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Alien 13

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Posts posted by Alien 13

  1. Audio design is difficult at the best of times and totally different to any other form of electronics because of the minute signals in use, filters are very hard to get right and over zealous use of them can kill the sound completely.

    I have used specially selected versions of chips like the LM317 in the past with very good results even in Moving Coil phono stages although still preferred ECC81 valves  even for that application.


  2. We are all aliens anyway, the solar system is full of organic compounds and current theory's suggest we were seeded during the asteroid bombardment.

    I think tardigrades and spiders are definitely later extra terrestrial additions though:biggrin:


  3. I have grown up kids so all my unwanted stuff like scopes or DSLRs goes for free to good homes, my view is that any kit that is not used regularly is costing you money in storage space/upkeep (lean 5S, 7 Sigma etc) so you should realy pay someone to take it away whatever its perceived value.


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  4. 16 minutes ago, kirkster501 said:

    Hi guys, thanks, yeah I am using camera standalone and also have done multiple factory resets..... 

    I have the camera on M mode, BULB, F2.0, ISO 800 with lens on Manual.  Liveview set to enabled.  So all set correctly as far as I can tell.  Definitely used to work with Liveview.  Will try some way out things like the lens etc to see if thats causing it.

    May check into the firmware as well.

    I need to get this going because want to get into whole constellation photography as well.

    Hi, does the LCD display shut down as well during this "timeout" or is it just when its in liveview mode? as there are settings in the menu somewhere to keep the camera and LCD alive. The live view also has a setting for metering timer if my memory is correct which could also have an impact.. The other possibility is low voltage from the adapter, have you tried running off batteries?


  5. 8 minutes ago, fozzybear said:

    you can't beat cine 8mm or super 8 for nostalgia with the patina  shame as have reels from my youth yet no means to view nowadays just keep for prosperity for the young one's to figure out.....

    I had a super 8 projector and a copy of the original Star Wars movie and used a house across the street that had white walls to screen it once.


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  6. 9 hours ago, lux eterna said:

    I like that kind of approach - you will always be a winner :thumbsup: Just have to remember it.


    I have looked around and my design is far far better than any Canon offerings and not found any third party ones that are as good either, if only I was younger I would manufacture them and be a millionaire :laugh:


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  7. I have similar issues with my Canon camera that also has a suggested ISO setting of 200 for AP due to its ISO invariance, I do suggest that you stick to a range of ISO between 200-400 and basically ignore what the histogram is telling you. The camera wont catch any more photons from stars by increasing the ISO anyway....


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