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Alien 13

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Posts posted by Alien 13

  1. 1 minute ago, JamesF said:

    When the War of the Worlds album cover appeared I was expecting the Richard Burton narration rather than Liam Neeson :)  And in fact I was also expecting Thus Spake Zarathustra from 2001 rather than the waltz :D


    Me too but I did play the whole of the original War of the Worlds album (on vinyl) to make up for it....


  2. 2 minutes ago, Stu said:

    I think I’m both instance aperture is probably about image scale. For imaging you would choose a larger, longer focal length instrument for imaging small galaxies for instance, and for visual the benefit of large dobs is that you can magnify targets more whilst maintaining image brightness.

    Totally agree, there are views that you can see with a 60mm refractor that are impossible with a reflector no matter how big it is and vice versa..


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  3. 8 minutes ago, MartinB said:

    Apparently monitor characteristics change over time  and the Spyder default recommendation is to  refresh the calibration every month.  It pops up a reminder.  Fortunately the refresh routine is much quicker than initial full one.  Of course, it's one thing to have an immaculate calibration,  and very worthwhile, but quite another to expect people viewing your images to be seeing them as you intended!!

    I can spot those posts that dont have calibrated displays easily, it works both ways with what you both post and view especially with the black point setting.


  4. 4 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

    Thanks Alan and Julian

    I will have a play!

    No problem Billy, make a note of the profiles you have at the moment as they can easily be got back via the "add" drop down listing if things go weird..


  5. 40 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

    Thanks Alan

    Its my two monitors hooked up to my main PC that i use for image editing that really need doing - I will have a look to see if they have seperate profiles. They are identical monitors but an image viewed on one then the other are considerably different.  I couldn't find any info on whether or not the Spyder system can handle two monitors on one graphics card.

    If you look in control panel-colour management it should show the associated profile for each monitor, if you then click "add" you can change the profile in use. If your PC lets you change these profiles individually then the Spyder should work, you can check this by running through the normal manual calibration for one monitor and giving the profile an odd name to see if it appears for just one or both display profiles. 


  6. I have the Spyder 5 and it does a great job even on my laptop monitor, it does not however "calibrate" the display itself but instead creates an ICC profile for it that is used by your graphics card.  The Spyder can create multiple profiles for different displays but not sure how this would work with two displays from one graphics card unless you can see two distinct profiles listed.

    The downside of all this is that these created profiles are local to the PC which is fine to a point but means that you cant for example use it to calibrate your TV as a stand alone item.


    P.S. I cant comment on the newer Spyder versions but will have a look.

  7. 2 hours ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

    I doubt very much that a Windows 10 update would have done what you are implying, even the update to ver. 2004, as by default all updates do not modify any installed user apps, and the process automatically backs everything up, including user setting etc., that's the main reason why so much free, contiguous disk space is required....

    I agree but a worrying thing I did notice was that the backed up win old file which was around 38 Gb vanished after 8 days on my laptop without any intervention from me which would suggest anyone should check your system quickly after a big update..


  8. 19 minutes ago, dd999 said:

    If the dslr is astro modified - does that reduce its quality for normal day to day photography? 

    Once you astro mod a dslr, it can really only be used for AP? 

    It depends on the type of modification in that a filter replacement that allows a little more Ha through will probably still work OK for general daytime use although you will have some issues with colour balance and some lenses will show excessive CA.

    A full mod that removes both filters will render the camera useless for normal daytime photography as well as loosing any auto sensor clean and the ability to auto focus with lenses....


  9. On 27/06/2020 at 11:38, Harry85 said:

    Hi alien just had a quick look and the 60d is showing at 170-230 on mpb so within my price range so you would reccommend this instead? Thanks for the help :)

    The 60D is a better camera than the 600D in all respects but heavier if thats a concern although it is weather proofed and has some serious extra features.


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  10. I usually go for the short dovetail and ball head option myself but do agree that its a lot of mass hanging on a single screw even though my large ball head itself would probably hold a small car :) I do think there is a market for some sort of "cage system" to hold a DSLR and lens firmly with at least two mounting screws although have seen some DIY versions of this type of thing using videography kit.

    I do always include a safety "lanyard" attached between camera and mount just in case as well as safety screws on the dovetail to prevent it from slipping off.


  11. 8 minutes ago, Harry85 said:

    Thanks all for the reply I've seen 600d thrown around alot but wasnt sure if there was a slightly better one within my price range I could get instead, think I'll go for that one thank you so much for your replies much appreciated 

    The 600D is a good camera with a decent blend of performance and features, a good upgrade but probably outside your budget would be the 60D. Have a look at MPB photographic or WEX for good used cameras.


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