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Alien 13

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Posts posted by Alien 13

  1. 5 minutes ago, vlaiv said:


    One of my goals when getting this scope is to actually see how good "all-rounder" type scope this is. I intend to submit it to:

    - planetary/lunar visual - so far excellent

    - imaging planetary / lunar - this part shows planetary performance and I think it passes with flying colors here as well - lunar is being processed as we speak (again, a bit of surprise there as well, or maybe not surprising after seeing this)

    - EEVA / imaging platform - this will be demanding

    and of course DSO visual - probably weakest point since it is lacking widest views.

    Look forward to the results, I love my Mak because its so camera friendly, can hang a very heavy DSLR off it with no issues and no back focus problems..


  2. 27 minutes ago, x6gas said:

    Well Affinity Photo is the newish kid on the block that seems to be getting some traction...

    I have some problems with it as its macro feature isn't anywhere near as good as Photoshop's actions and there are one or two other limitation like fixed sample points only reporting single pixel values (rather than a multi-pixel average) that are really annoying.  But for a capable, layers-based photo editor it's great for the price.  Nik Szymanek is doing a series on it in Astronomy Now...

    I agree its not perfect, am annoyed that it cant handle ICO files or Nvidia plugins for game design but the software does seem to evolve reasonably fast so I am confident it will get there..


  3. On 18/07/2020 at 23:06, rl said:

    Buck converters and flyback converters are cheap (reasonably), very efficient, widely available..lots of plusses. They still suffer slightly from output noise at the chopping frequency which might get in to the kit and cause banding issues on images....might be worth looking at some filters just to make sure what goes in to the camera is really clean. It's the one area where a linear regulator might still have a place.

    I always use the metal box versions which helps contain noise issues. 

    Mounts and dew heaters don't care about any reasonable amount of noise. 

    High frequency switching noise is actually hard to eliminate, ceramic capacitors close to the load and having a few turns of the output lead wound around a ferrite toroid is your friend. I do like linear PSUs having designed many for high end audio use but some have a fatal flaw if using series regulation, a failure of the output device will almost always cause it to go SC causing the full unregulated voltage (which can be 20-30V) to appear at the output.


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  4. I know that not all Canon RAW files are created equal and some software struggles with certain versions although I cant confirm this is the problem you are facing. What has worked for me in the past is the free software "Adobe DNG Converter" this converts a Canon RAW file to a standardized Digital Negative which can be processed as a normal RAW, the software is easy to use and can do "batch" conversions and as said is universally compatible with all image processing software. I would give it a try to see if it helps.


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  5. I have wondered about exit pupil size many times and have several rifle scopes that go well above 20 mm and they are fine but everything is bright almost like having night vision. Have looked through some military spotting scopes that again push the exit pupil into double figures and again they worked brilliantly on the night sky, possible better than any commercial scope/eyepiece but you do need a dark site.


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