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Alien 13

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Posts posted by Alien 13

  1. 7 minutes ago, powerlord said:

    I have to disagree with you there - as you say yourself in the final sentence. Once it's PAed it is, fair enough - but PAing is hard enough in ASIAIR without me having to worry about ALT offset changing when I change the AZ offset. The closer I can get it before I start, the quicker my PAing will be - especially as my old EQ5 is a bit rough with ALT in the first place. It's a heck of a lot  easier if the two can be corrected independently imho. Standing there for 20+ mins fannying around trying to get it PAed is not my idea of fun. Anything that can make that quicker I'd gladly do.

    However, see above - the glaringly obvious sitting the phone on the tray will be my goto next time - embarresssed I never thought og that - I'll been trying to sit in on a square corner of the mount... sheesh.


    What makes you think the tray is anywhere near level  with the tripod/head😋


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  2. 7 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

    Why must the tripod be perfectly level ??  as long as it close, good polar alignment will take care of any 'inaccuracies'...

    It is probably not so important for AP but us photographers do want absolute accuracy and having a spirit level at 6 foot is no use to someone 5 foot 6 inches tall...


  3. 7 hours ago, DaveS said:

    A bit small? 50 x 40 mm or even 60 x 60 mm? How big do you want?

    Actually gigabit ethernet would be a better option than USB3 Thunderbolt is just too flakey for scientific cameras.

    I was thinking a pro camera would want a pro scope which probably has a much larger imaging circle than 60mm, even my old bino objective can project an image a foot across although its in no way corrected.


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