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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. I will certainly give it a try! However I make no predictions lol!
  2. Just found it as PK 104-29.1- what a fine observation Stephan! I never heard of it before and it must be hard to see- cant wait to try it!
  3. Excellent report! Congrats for a fine session, dark skies make all the difference and your 10" is perfect for everything.
  4. Btw, the image map "spilled the beans" with respect to how far the thin thread goes lol! (the arrows).
  5. C in your image,there is a nice challenge feature in C that I call the "tube" . Your C8 with the narrowish TFOV will help control 52 Cygni to see it.👍
  6. NGC 6960, the top part in the image, above 52 Cygni.
  7. I'm talking about the "spike" portion of the neb, did you see where the nebula splits into 2 sections?
  8. Congrats for a fine session! Yes, theres a reason we recommend the OIII first. Under truly dark skies a UHC will bring out more extent of nebulosity on some nebs, but the OIII will make things show when the other wont in lighter skies. Under dark skies the OIII gives a "brighter image" on most objects and with the greatest extent on some like the Veil. IMHO.
  9. I observe them in the15"+ scopes, not this year as I cant see it because of trees up on the ridge, but last year. I must put my 10" down by the lake and try them if its not too late. A 17mm EP is my goto for this, forget which filter as both the UHC and OIII are in the slide and I bounce back and forth, the OIII IIRC. Great obs Paul!
  10. The opposite end of the Witches Broom split.
  11. Yes, great obs! Spend more time here and find the "thin thread" and tell me how far it goes...👍 Also, you see the split in the broom of the western veil- go to 52 Cygni, observe the thin end and see if you can see the "tube" as I call it. What low power eyepiece(s) are you using? VG observing btw.
  12. The Veil is a no brainer but have you tried Pickerings Wisp? Your scope and OIII will show it nicely.
  13. Congrats for seeing them! Maybe they arent dark nebula, who knows- but they are a nice goal to achieve! Whats next? The dark ones in Auriga?
  14. I use plain blue Windex -not going to recommend it- and it works for me, after blowing the dust, grit off. Never use it on a mirror (diag etc). The main thing is no rubbing. I use a Q tip and or a soft scent free kleenex ( folded into a small triangle) and gently "pull" the tissue to one side after slightly wetting with Windex. This will get any junk to one side. A very slightly wetted Q tip is then used around the edge to pick up any junk. Repeat and finally wipe with the kleenex triangle, all this very softly. This is my method and is probably wrong.
  15. @John how do you deal with dew and cleaning eyepieces?
  16. I would never do this but to each their own.
  17. No big deal, I get this frequently. Televue has info on their site for cleaning. Never rub...no circles either. @tripleped no acetone ...IMHO.
  18. I would save for another one, they are extremely good as you know. When ever I want to squeeze out faint neb they are always on deck. A whole set of TV plossls accumulated over time, used, would be a fantastic collection of glass.
  19. These are hard to beat... I love Televue plossls.
  20. 👍 Big time. This subject is misunderstood by many IMHO.
  21. I know you have a lot of knowledge on this subject Neil and I totally agree with you. I think that with visual a persons eyes and also seeing come into play in a big way- not much talk about ones eyes in all these types of discussions. Your images speak for themselves Neil- keep up the good work!
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