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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Thanks, my 24" is a big scope and I got this size because a mirror came up cost effectively. A really good big dob is an 18" f4 and would be much more manageable. Mines OK because I leave it assembled in a seacan and wheel it out 8 ft then back in. You will get one someday, Nichol makes very nice mirrors I hear from trusted sources.
  2. I think this is true and I reach for certain eyepieces for Jupiter vs Saturn for instance. I like a bit warmer tone on Jupiter vs Saturn for some reason. Mind you the TSA120 seems to not care about this- which brings something else up. After hearing many high end frac talks ie this frac is better than that one on Jupiter (for instance) etc I think the scope (and diag) can play a major role in what eyepiece is reached for.
  3. It takes big aperture and excellent conditions to see the Bubbles "shell". Under my best conditions it is almost a complete circle with the 24" f4.1.
  4. My older Tak orthos look and perform like my Fujis but with an eyecup. I wonder if Tak switched their supplier for these new orthos? Why the new name? I have 2 18mm's ,2 12.5mm older Tak orthos and they are excellent.
  5. @Kon was asking about the Wizard nebula so tonight under 21.7, good trans skies I took another look. It filled the FOV, + a bit using the 24"/APM 20mm with about a .8deg TFOV. There is a really large V notch extending into the Flaming Star like object. The top brighter section - large- responded to the OIII better than the curved lower section.The lower section shows more extensive with the UHC but is still visible with the OIII.The notch extends in between the rounded corner squarish top section and the lower curved section. The associated stars in the Wizard make for a dazzling object and parts of it are visible no filter. A first for me tonight was NGC 7538- the Northern Lagoon neb also called Dreyers object. It is "small" ( large for a small object) and bright in this scope with the OIII. It does show a shape - elongation and there are brighter bits to it. I could make it out very faintly without the filter, once found with. The Bubble neb showed part of its circle with a portion of it "bright" and the nearby Lobster Claw was bright along with LBN 544 next to the Claw. Tonight split Stephans Quintet up nicely using the excellent 8mm Delos, got all galaxies. Should have thrown in the 7mm KK ortho but hey,the view more than satisfied me. Much, much more observed and it was a very good night 👍 with the wind down seeing the old grey haired Canuck laying in his lawnchair staring up.
  6. Excellent that the Fuji is performing for you- I have a 7mm Fuji (KK) that rival my very best eyepieces. They are not only good in the grab and go mode but also in the dobs. My orthos are the goto for very faint, small objects and in the 24" the 7mm gives 357x, great for galaxies and PN. And yes the manual dobs easily tracks with them.
  7. Thanks Calvin, I 100% agree- the object does show as 3D and mesmerizes me everytime I observe it in a large dob. What amazes me is how aperture brings out the Wisp (and Veil)...so bright. I'm not sure the theories about image scale and eye illumination explain it fully. Its just plain old brighter in a big dob lol!
  8. Thanks Kon, the Wizard can be a dazzling object, almost Flaming Star like- another favorite. It does show shades and light shade mottling. I can see it in my 200mm f3.8 no problem, so if you nail the eye illumination I'm sure you will see it. The image scale the 24" provides along with the illumination gives a really great view of it.
  9. A tube dob will be a great addition- NOW- next thing- you going to post reports with it if it kicks your Taks _ _ _ ?😀
  10. You realize the "big boys" like avani and kokathaman use C14's They are both excellent resources BTW.
  11. What are you looking for Fedele? an imaging scope or visual?
  12. I would think about the telescope features you like and not so much the included accessories IMHO. A light Rigel finder is a great addition to any dob.
  13. Yup, that roof radiating heat might not help things.
  14. Ive dealt with Focus Scientific before with good luck, but the last time I talked to them they were out of most scopes. You up to building a kit truss dob? You can put a good GSO mirror in there. A tube dob is pretty handy at this aperture though- meaning- the 12" ! (truss dob your gonna kit build!😀) Check out Astrosystems site in CO.
  15. My Tak did this a while back due to atmospheric dispersion due to Jupiters low altitude and really poor conditions. This scope has superb optics and a perfect star test that I mention because outside influences can detract from any scope.
  16. @johninderby excellent 👍 It also looks pretty easy to fit encoders- a machined tube ring screw with a recess for the encoder shaft held tight with a set screw tightened. The base encoder would be easy to ala Astrosytems USA method, like on my dobs. The Bresser looks like a great scope, easy to carry by the bearing too.
  17. Have you looked at the Bresser? The design looks like it could lend itself to building a nice lightweight plywood base down the road.
  18. Ive described it before as a partial "bubble" - just follow the funnel and it will reveal bits of it but most likely not the whole feature. One of the really interesting feature is those "Devils forks"- at the end of the Broom split tips. Speaking of the Broom split- a 3rd short split can be seen easily- I just start imagining it in the 10" but the 15" shows it well.
  19. Thanks Stu! I had a view of Stephans Quintet under the very best conditions here that is burned into the brain forever- and I chase this view all the time. I was totally dark adapted, eyes rested and had superb transparency and darkness. But once again I left the scope and sat in my lawnchair for the finale last night
  20. Yes thats it but it doesnt look like the image much to my eyes. The half circle is very well defined, with structure and a defining "horizontal" bright streak at the "top" (newt view). There is a mass of detail but not seen as in most images (to me). Have you seen it?
  21. After reading about members wanting to try increased aperture I just had to drag out the monster dob, over 300lbs. Thankfully the surgeon put 4th generation plastic in my new joints lol!👍 The day was crystal clear, approaching darkness brought light high variable cloud- and the SQM-L indicated this going from 21.5-21.6 mag, a full quarter mag off a previous session. However there were nice spurts of vg transparency... A fantastic view of the Wizard nebula in Ceph was a truly encouraging observation- this is a great object- giver a try! The 20APM and Lumicon OIII was in service for all the observations and did not (ever) disappoint. Over the the Veil and the split in the Broom revealed the forks in its tips, an excellent sight as well as the bright twisted mass of the whole western Veil. A quick nudge brought the dob over to Pickerings Wisp... yeah, the Wisp, showing as bright as some sections of the Western Veil... Many think the Wisp is just a faint triangle looking object, and it can be. Throw some aperture at it under dark skies and a transformation occurs- in the form of the twisted filaments as seen in the Veil itself. The patchy, filament filled triangle is there but follow it along and then very nice structure is culminated in the "half golf ball" feature and tonight showed a very bright streak at the top of it. A shorter bright horizontal spike also showed there. As I panned the Wisp I went slightly off and noticed a bunch more nebulosity on the right of it. There was nebulosity all over the place, what a rewarding sight. I just tried to find an image with the half golf ball feature but not much luck- too much nebulosity buries what can be seen visually. A 15" can just start to show it under very dark skies and I'm interested in other members reports on the feature(s). Piles more observed, from the little Veil, to Carolines Rose along with the Pacman. NGC7331 and all its fleas were a nice catch as was the Magic Carpet PN. I noticed a whole bunch of dark nebs between Albireo and Sadr, I must research these to see if theyre listed. Of course the Crescent was observed as well as the IC1318 complex-and the "wall" in the NAN featured nicely... and... and... It was a great evening. Edit: just look up the dark ones- it was in the LDN 804 nest, a worthwhile area to try.
  22. Ok, but does that mean the truss dob is out? ps I'm wheeling the 24" out right after this sentence...I use a little piece of OSB for a ramp.
  23. @Sunshine seriously , leave it assembled with wheel barrow handles attached- wheel it out wheel it in. You got a garage?
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