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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. TBH there have been time lately when I've thought of selling the lot and just doing visual.
  2. Since swapping over from my ASI 1600 to a new QHY 268M i've had one bork after another, not all connected, and not all related to the camera, starting with the imaging computer dying on me and needing a full reinstallation from Windows on. I still haven't got it all working smoothly. Or even at all. It doesn't help that clear skies are needed for testing, and they've been thin on the ground lately.
  3. I think it must have been, though the firmware was / is the latest version.
  4. Has anyone else had an ASCOM Gain / Offset window pop up in their capture software? i have it in Maxim and posted a thread about it.
  5. I got a reply from QHY with a link to the latest ASCOM driver. After twisting Windows's arm I managed to install it That stupid window is still there but at least I can now set the offset as well as the gain. Would be nice if I could also set the read mode as well.
  6. OK, got the pointing model done but there are still lots of borks to sort out, the autofocus is playing silly whatsits with me, and I still need to find out why the mount froze during the set up stage. But enough for tonight, going to relax now and watch some telly. More headbanging tomorrow
  7. I managed to run a pointing model in ASA Sequence, which is looking OK.
  8. I don't think so, it looks genuine.
  9. Well I don't know anymore. When I booted up the mount control software it hung at a critical point. First time it's done that since I set it up here. My laptop is a very old i5 machine that has Maxim on it, though I'm not sure which version.
  10. Sorry. It's the mini PC in a cabinet on the platform where the 130 apo is mounted. It only has the bare software needed to run the imaging rig. There is another mini PC in the obsy to run that rig.
  11. When I click Connect in the Maxim camera control window the cooler buttons are still grey until the Gain / Offset window pops up, then they become black and can be clicked. We may have enough clear sky tonight to run tests in Sequence to see if it will capture images or just hang. On the Platform computer I only have Maxim as that is required by the ASA software. And no, I don't know why they did that instead of writing their own capture routine.
  12. Done that, still get the ASCOM window.
  13. Thanks Louise I've been having more problems with the device not recognised, which i "solved" by unplugging and replugging the USB cable. Managed to take some flats using autosave in Maxim. Going to have a doze for a while then try the forum, if I can remember which bork happened when, there have been so many of them, and seemingly random
  14. I managed to do that from Device Manager, but it made no difference.
  15. Not posted yet. too much to do here. Give me a mo.
  16. Tried clicking on "Update Driver, it updated to the latest 21.2.20 but still that stupid window.
  17. OK, I've tried: Hard restarting the PC Swapping the too long 5 metre USB 3 for a short USB 2 to the powered hub on the mount No change in the stupid window. Swapping back to the too long 5 metre USB 3 No difference Swapping out the too long cable for an old 3 metre USB 3 that I had kicking around. Still no difference. I confess to being totally baffled. I have registered with the QHY forum, so that will be my next stop. Hey ho, the slow boat to China.
  18. OK, brief return, longer tomorrow. Yes, the ASA software is Windows ASCOM specific as there was no INDI when it was being developed. I'll try running the camera through the powered USB hub in the DDM60 Pro mount.
  19. Thanks Louise. Going to take a break now as I've been looking at screens for so long today that it's making my eyes go wonky.
  20. Had a look, and nothing untoward showing up.
  21. I've tried running ASCOM diagnostics before with other problems, but unless you're an ASCOM geek they are just gobbledegook. Or should that be gobbledegeek?
  22. Nope. Tried bringing ASCOM back up to 6.5 SP1 but still get that damn stupid window..
  23. Nope. That stupid ASCOM box is still there. If I select QHY Capture there is only the Extended Full Well 2CMS duplicated in all four modes, while Capture 2 has the four different modes.
  24. OK. I have downloaded and transferred @Spongey's link. I agree that 5m for USB3 is pushing it a bit. Will try swapping over cables tomorrow perhaps as the weather's a bit rubbish of open heart surgery on the telescope and computer. I'm investigating the possibility of mounting the PC on the telescope, and running an ethernet cable into the network from there.
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