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Posts posted by DaveS

  1. 3 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

    I've had a number of Decathlon USB head torches and wind-up lamps. (Here in France you are never far from a branch.) They have been consistently excellent and very reliable. When choosing one for astronomy, the thing I'd watch out for is whether or not, to go from On-Red to Off, you have to scroll through White-On. Obviously it is far better to be able to go directly from On-Red to Off, as I can with my present one.

    Huge French sporting goods outlet, Dave. There was a branch in Derby when I lived near there. I don't know how widespread they are.  I'm going back 20 years but, back then, the English branches I saw were very lack-lustre compared with the French ones. They were the same size but in England the shelves were half-empty and stocks were poor. Maybe that was a start-up period issue but, here, they are good shops selling decent quality goods at prices between 'Good' and 'Downright bargain.' I am currently sporting a pair of their shorts but will spare you the photograph...


    Thanks Olly. Done a google search (D'oh) the nearest to me is Poole Islands, so Bournemouth way. A bit far to just drop in "on spec".

    • Like 1
  2. 32 minutes ago, SthBohemia said:

    🙂 Simply my opinion- re-' Images that resemble Hubble etc'.. I DO appreciate the time and effort that surely must go into making the images, was simply curious as the the overall quality that images can be doctored using various tools that I know virtually nothing about. 

    Remember, I know nothing of producing images as I come from the era of Rameses II... (and am happy to remain there) 🙂

    Enjoy the break, Rob. Who has been accused of having such a thick skin that attempts to insult him are akin to attempting to drown a fish!!

    There you go again Rob. No reputable imager will ever "doctor" their images. They will, however spend many hours patiently teasing out the information contained in their data, often collected over 20-30 hours (Been there, done that) over many nights, sometimes even over more than one year (Done that too).

    In addition to the hours taken capturing and processing their data they will often have spent many years learning and refining their processing skills.

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  3. 49 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

    Setting off in an hour to the reveal, so looking forward to it.

    Stephans quintet was one of my last big captures in October last year. Think I managed three definate with a possible forth, science rocks. 

    This an image from a few years ago. 2 mins each RGB with the Liverpool Telescope on La Palma


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  4. I see that site lists the West Bexington car park. I can vouch for the darkness of the sky here BUT. I was talking to a couple of residents after a parish meeting and they said the restaurant has a bad habit of leaving lights on all night, so may not be as good as expected.  Gorselands caravan site a hit higher up might be an idea.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Mr Spock said:

    Looks good to me. I can see a little elongation in the stars though - tracking?

    Possibly. I noticed a little elongation too. I may try another stack with more stringent limits for elongation, see how many subs are rejected.

    There shouldn't be any cable drag as all the power and data cables are routed through the axes, this is the most likely cause of trailing with ASA mounts.

    The PA is a bit further out than I'm really happy with, but I want to wait until I can start earlier in the night, as trying to deal with technical issues when I want to turn in isn't conducive to good outcomes.

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