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Posts posted by DaveS

  1. CO reports that I have SQI 21.66 and Bortle 4, nearly 3. The Milky Way is structured with lots of filaments running off, and glitters all the way to the horizon. On one night / early morning when I went to shut down the obsy about 4 o/c the sky was pitch black, Auriga glittered with clusters and M33 was visible naked eye, not averted, so I would estimate more like middle Bortle 3. I've certainly seen the star cluster in the middle of the rosette direct naked eye, and I think the nebula itself glimpsed averted. M44 is easy routine direct vision, not even a test.

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  2. I'll add in passing that provided you don't break down your imaging train after each session (Which you shouldn't, apart from maintenance) Then once you've built a library of calibration frames they can do for 6 months or even more, maybe a year or two.

    You don't have to waste imaging time with taking Darks either, they can be done during the day. Take the camera off, cap it and bung it in the 'fridge. Then run your Darks. Once done put it back on the telescope and leave it alone.

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