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Posts posted by DaveS

  1. The ethernet cables from the obsy and platform computers enter through the wall of the office and into a 24 point network switch, and from there to the WiFi router. I can either plug a PC into an ethernet socket or else use the WiFi.

    Data goes to the NAS, or saved onto a local SSD. Since it takes 30 sec to download from the G3 that's not really a problem.

    I have no video stream other than the obsy CCTV, and don't know why you would want one.

  2. 2 hours ago, pipnina said:

    I use Linux to control my setup over wifi. Connectivity is OK but you ideally need a quality dongle for the PC outside as it's going to be sending mega-sized RAW files back plus a video stream.

    I remote desktop into my outdoor machine using VNC

    All I need to do on my PC inside is:
    "ssh pipnina@" then type in my password in the terminal. This gives this terminal window control over the machine outside.

    Then I type "x11vnc" which gets the laptop to start a VNC server

    Then i open a VNC viewing program pre-installed with my system (KRDC) and hit connect on the bookmarked connection for my laptop.

    I am then remoted into the outdoor PC : D

    In some ways setting it up was easier than alternatives on windows. It does have a somewhat low framerate though.

    I don't need any of those shenanigans  with RDP. Open File Explorer, and expand network if not already expanded. right click on the named PC and select "Connect With Remote Desktop" and it's there.

  3. I've never used BackyardEOS. When I started out imaging I used APT, but after moving from a DSLR to mono CCD I bought AstroArt 5 for my processing and used its camera control for capture. When I bought my first ASA mount I needed Maxim DL but eventually managed to get the ASA Sequence software working at use that.

    NINA has a very good reputation but I've not had to use it yet. Maybe if I build a mobile rig with a mount that can be guided in both axes (Currently I use a SA) then I will investigate it further.

    As all my remote PCs are Win10 or 11 I have no interest in Kstars EKOS etc.

    • Like 1
  4. I was searching for a target that would fit in the FoV of my ODK rig and hold up under moonlight. After a mosey round in Stellarium I came up with NGC 457, the Owl (Or Dragonfly) cluster.

    I took 12 subs each of 300 sec Red and Green, and 525 sec Blue (First order G2v calibration) Only 11 of the R and B made it through AstroArt's QC, but all 12 Green did.

    After stacking I cropped off the dither edges and applied a Gradient Reduction followed by star Erosion to shrink some of the bigger stars.

    Trichromy was followed by a DDP and Richardson-Lucy deconvolution with a slight Histogram Stretch to take the background down a touch. Saved as a JPEG



    • Like 11
  5. I've installed Stellarium 1.22.3 on my 64 bit office computer, and all my telescope and camera settings are as they were. I think I had to tell it my location, but found it in the list where I had added it to in the previous version.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Gosh, looks like I'm the first to post!

    The Owl Cluster. 12 subs in G2v calibration with the ODK rig in my sig. Started immediately after Astro Dark so quite a bit of moonlight.

    Each stack cropped to remove dither edges, given a gradient reduction and star erosion.

    After RGB combination a DDP was applied with slight saturation boost, then a Richardson-Lucy deconvolution. Finally a slight histogram stretch to push the background down before saving as a JPEG


    • Like 28
    • Thanks 1
  7. I had a play in AstroArt 8

    Imported the TIFF, then cropped quite heavily to remove some dodgy edges then split into RGB. Recombined in Trichromy so that colour balance could be restored. Applied DDP to the combined RGB with a slight saturation boost and high pass filter followed by Richardson-Lucy deconvolution.

    A Hue and Saturation followed then a simple Linear and Vignetting gradient removal

    Saved as a JPEG


    Background may still be a touch high, and there's still a bit of uneven background.

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