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Posts posted by DaveS

  1. 12 hours ago, Steve Ward said:

    Thoroughly disappointing episode to be perfectly honest ... 🙄


    4 hours ago, skybadger said:

    I thought that too. A waste of time  watching presenters watch old clips on their laptops on the program. Could have been much better and covered the basics better. Turned it off. 

    Regretfully I have to concur. I just watched it on iPlayer and found it very thin, as though they didn't have enough material and were trying to eke it out.

    Could have been much better. 

    • Like 3
  2. AstroArt 8, very fast and good stacking, plus seriously underrated processing, with tools that get better with each version.

    Trouble is, it's been around a while so tends to get overlooked in favour of the latest "flavour-of-the-month" package.

    It's also much more intuitive than PixInsight which had me :BangHead: .

  3. 23 hours ago, DaveS said:

    Well, OK if you twist my arm, then a new camera for the ODK 12 might be attractive.

    One of These perhaps though I prefer the QHY Version. But would need new filters and wheel.

    It would give me a wider FoV plus the ability to crop anywhere.


    20 hours ago, Sunshine said:

    I like to keep my wishes within the realm of the obtainable to avoid a lifetime of disappointment.

    A TSA-120 would be just fine, a new one I can unbox myself!

    *sigh* I could, just about, afford it, but that would scupper plans for some serious, and much needed, home improvements.

    So I will merely have to dream.

  4. 16 hours ago, wulfrun said:

    Well founded scepticism, I suspect. One problem would appear to be generating enough electrical power, which got no mention. I'm not convinced it'll work in space on "virtual particles" either. The video seemed very fanciful with too much dreamy music and too many cgi, futuristic-looking ships and no demonstrations of any working reality.

    Yep, I find the deemy music / CGI one of the more irritating features of the AstronX channel. I would rather see a rough mobile phone video of a real working prototype any day.

    I suspect this would only work with a flight-certified micro nuclear power plant to provide the electricity. The energy requirements are fundamental, 7.8 km/s for LEO, and 1/2 MV^2. kinetic energy. And no getting around it with voodoo physics.

    Ionised air up to a few km, then an on board working fluid. Argon perhaps?

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