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Posts posted by DaveS

  1. Yep, Clear Outside and Met Office both had clear sky for the whole of tomorrow night, but now CO has gone to a mix of orange and red, just waiting for MO to do the same.

    And nothing useable for as far as the forecasts run.

  2. Inevitably, someone's going to post an image of the double cluster, so here's mine.

    This is a two pane mosaic (My first) with the main capture on the 12th. using the ODK rig.  I set up to get 12 subs of RGB on each panel, but not all made it into the stacks, plus I had persistent dew problems requiring pickup capture.

    After stacking the individual RGB stacks were cropped and given a gradient reduction. After Trichromy another crop followed by DDP and a Richardson-Lucy deconvolution. Care was taken to match the histograms on the two panes.

    The mosaic was assembled using the Mosaic tool in AstroArt 8. After another gradient reduction there was a slight Saturation Boost and several rounds of Histogram Stretch..



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  3. Well, perhaps not...

    This a two pane mosaic with the ODK rig. Planned 12 x 300 sec Red, Green, and 525 sec Blue on each pane, not all the subs made it into the finals stacks. After stacking the individual RGB stacks were combined and given a DDP, followed by Richardson-Lucy deconvolution. Care was taken to match each pane during the DDP.

    The mosaic was created using the default values in the AstroArt mosaic tool.

    Saved as a JPEG

    C&C welcome, and probably needed.


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  4. Oh gawd, that happened to me last week. I was annoyed with myself as I have a rope to tie the cover down and had been working in that area cutting up prunings.

    Had to go out, just in my dressing gown to bring the soaking wet OTA in, and the TS 130 photoline is a heavy old beast. Needed a while to dry out the camera, as I could see the heatsink was soaked. Fortunately no power on it as water and lekky is a good way to fry your kit.

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