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Posts posted by Kinch

  1. 18 minutes ago, x6gas said:

    These are lovely images you're posting of this region of the sky Brendan.  I wonder what magic you'll produce as a finished image!

    Thanks for the comment but I made a big boo boo in one sense..... I had not planned to do more than two images here but then started that 3rd last night. I could have, had I gone about it right, done quite a big mosaic here.....maybe next year! As it is, the 3 images come together like this (Ha only).....


    Cygnus (1499 x 766).jpg

    • Like 2
  2. Yes - short nights and where I am - still quite warm during the night at about 22°C to 25°C (warmer than that even when I start things up).  I have not moved to CMOS - I will stick with CCD as long as I can. One important factor (in my mind) is cooling the CCD and I have to admit that spending a lot of money on a FLI camera has worked really good for me. Even now I am still able to run the CCD at -30°C (Avge 90% on the TEC). If it gets any warmer though....I won't push it as I am more used to seeing TEC @ 70% to 80%..........but I do notice the noise reduction in the subs by  being able to cool to -30° rather than say -20°.

  3. I have several unfinished images on the go - and started another last night. 🙄     In the bright moonlight, I simply wanted to continue using the Ha filter - not what was needed to finish off other images I am working on.

    So - interesting though it is - it is just 3 hours of data and as yet a long way from finished.                                   Still........worth a look!   👀

    Test_3hours-Ha (1478 x 1183).jpg

    • Like 11
  4. Thanks for the comments Ciarán. Creating the website was a parralel steep learning experience in the early days - which I enjoyed just as much as learning some processing skills. Now, it is an easy task putting up the images......getting the image data is now the hardest part. :icon_scratch:

  5. We all start from the same level....that is why I have left my early stuff in there (on the website)....out of focus, not enough data, terrible processing etc. etc.  I don't mind showing them also.......  🙂

    • Like 2
  6. 17 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

    Stunning image above too

    Thanks for that. Again....it is just a crop from an image that is impossible to show on SGL in full resolution.  On my website - for my images I show (via link) the full (or at least enough) resolution to show the detail that I am always after.....even if the colour does not suit all. 😏


    This years images are at:   https://www.kinchastro.com/2020-images.html


    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

    I noticed a similar wispy area in my Sadr image and was intrigued by it

    I think you may be referring to the whisps above sadr in your image......and below Sadr in one of my previous images (crop below)....but not in this (IC 1311) one.



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  8. I just did a screen grab from Telescopius. Within the green box - Sadr is obvious  in the lower left quadrant. The large dark area in my image(s) can be seen in the 'capture' .... lower right quadrant. 


    • Thanks 1
  9. Thanks 'newbie alert'. Problem with such a large field in a reduced size image here....is the lack of detail. You might like this crop.....showing here at 100%.  IC 1311 is actually the open cluster to the right side of the upper image. The second crop area is the most interesting to me personally.

    6_Hours-Ha Crop.jpg86212090_6_Hours-HaCropII.thumb.jpg.131dcabfb03e26a495a75a61e539d799.jpg

    • Like 3
  10. There is something about swirls of Ha that I always find fascinating. Not very far from my last image - this area is also 'near' Sadr in Cygnus. I hope to make a final colour image - but struggling with high humidity every night now in SE Spain.
    This is 6 hours of Ha (3nm).

    6_Hours-Ha (1473 x 1179).jpg

    • Like 8
  11. Hi Rood....it looks fine on my monitor as it is.

    I think you may have Photoshop....if so....you could try resizing it there.  Just a thought!

    ....and remember....if it is for public display....most won't have a clue about what we astro-photographers see when pixel peeping.....so I would not worry about that aspect of it.....just make it stand out 🙂

  12. Agree 100% - I can't spot any difference between them. That happens me sometimes during processing - when I do a step then stop to look see the overall difference it has made.....If I can't detect any difference (of note) then I undue and just leave it out. Here, you could have done the same with the NR that you were a little concerned about....nobody but you can see any difference. So.....both are fantastic images 😊

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  13. Nice one...... Not my favourite colours on this.....(but that always is a personal call on NB images).....but you have pulled out great detail. As for noise reduction...as long as it is not obviously smoothing out the image, I don't really have any problem with using it but to answer your question, it would be easier to make a comparison on two images rather than stating whether it is better with/without.

    • Thanks 1
  14. Hi Steve.......thanks for the comments. As always....the only processing I can do is in PixInsight.  I have a copy of Photoshop.....but have little use for it (simply because I can't use it correctly 😏). 

  15. I have doubled the data gathered on the SADR Region image previously posted. Although I was aiming for a lot more....with short nights and the urge to change targets....I have processed almost 13 hours Narrow Band data now for this area and am happy to leave it (for this year) as a completed image. When one processes data - sometimes it all comes together easily and other times not. I feel that there are areas in this image that could be improved on.....but I never did have enough patience to be a perfectionist 😏.....so hope it is acceptable as is. (Next year we can look at improving things).


    there is is higher resolution copy (and the capture details) on my website at:  https://www.kinchastro.com/ic-1318-sadr-region.html



    IC 1318 Sign (1481 x 1181).jpg

    • Like 6
  16. The data appears OK - but I did not spend any time processing it......just a few minutes.

    I work in PixInsight....just did a stretch (and slight noise reduction) on the two images you sent.... then put them together in PixelMath (PixInsight) as HOO : RGB.....and basically that is all I did.                              EDIT:   Actaully I also hit SCNR to remove 100% green also.

    (I think that is all you wanted to see.....the data is OK and comes together fine. I am not going to process it further)

    (I have reduced the size of the upload here).

    Image03 (1493 x 1196).jpg

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  17. Re your thoughts about adding in that Ha as Lum - I actually find it the other way around......in that it almost always will work for me with only an occassional problem image not accepting it. Strange......but you may be right in that it is data/target specific. 

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