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Posts posted by Kinch

  1. 15 minutes ago, TerryMcK said:

    Looking forward to see if you get any OIII from it.

    I have not seen it on the subs that I have so far but 'szymon' reports above that it is there. It must be weaker than the SII....so looks like more than the token few hours of OIII that I had planned is going to be a necessity.

  2. 14 minutes ago, x6gas said:

    On my monitor the top left looks a little pink

    Agree 100%. I think had I been working HaRGB it would have been more red all over but I went down a slippery slope of doing HSS....then HHSS with RGB mixed in. The RGB is not so good (I don't really have good skies) so I had to stay away from the 1st option (HaRGB). If I do manage to get some good nights for more RGB, it will be worth it I think...but the next step is to see how HaSHO will work out.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, szymon said:

    So an SHO or other rendition should be possible

    I am hoping so and aiming for that as a final for this subject. I hope I can finish it by this weekend....looks like there will be enough breaks tonight & tomorrow night to get more data.

  4. 16 minutes ago, carastro said:

    it will be interesting to see what you find.


    1 minute ago, szymon said:

    There is definitely some faint Oiii there.

    I have not looked at the OIII yet but this is what 7 hours of SII looks like (just a crude JPEG here....)

    SII_7_Hours (801 x 479).jpg

    • Like 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, szymon said:

    (I am in Bortle 8 so RGB is difficulter)

    Thanks - you know how faint this is then. Re the RGB - at present this is quite high in the sky for me - so last night, before the moon got up, I shot the 3 hours of RGB.....it was high enough to keep it out of the "gunge" (light pollution) lower down.

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, carastro said:

    Lovely rendition of a difficult (because it is faint) target.

    Thanks Carole. Yes it is indeed quite faint and the 7 hours of SII yielded very little signal. I suspect the OIII will be even less evident - and for that reason I won't waste too much imaging time looking for it....but I will try perhaps 4 or 5 hours....just to see.

  7. I am not quite sure where I am going with this one 🤔. I started gatherering data with intentions of completing this object as a totally NB image. The colours in my mind were nothing like this....but I kept following down a track this morning when processing the data I have so far: Ha 12 hours, SII 7 hours and a total of 3 hours RGB. I am sure there will be a follow up image in due course - I am still trying to get some OIII (not that there is much of it there.....if any?) and I may throw some more RGB into the mix. As is....it is still an interesting image of a very faint nebula 😏 

    Final SH2-114 Flying Dragon (1635 x 1233).jpg

    • Like 25
  8. Fantastic Star Field - the problems of which you speak are perhaps in your high resolution image only - nothing amiss that I can see here (except maybe on that brightest star - which is still OK). Nice one 👍

  9. 23 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

    how old were the previous darks ?

    The previous darks were from the end of May this year. Two things are different now: in May I only took 15 darks whereas last night I took 25. The15 should really have been enough (I think) BUT I also suspect that the TEC working harder on these warm nights (25°C) is having an effect on the system - causing noise in the subs. (I am imaging at -30° C on the CCD). In truth I am not enough of an expert to tell but it was, for sure, one of the things that came to mind while I was pulling my hair out over this. Whether the previous ones were otherwise bad or not - I now appear to be OK with this new set. 

    • Like 1
  10. Whilst working on my last image (SH2-115) I really struggled with background noise in the subs. This is not the first time and in truth I was getting frustrated with using this camera. After some other tests and adjustments to how I was processing the data - last night I decided to shoot a whole new set of Dark Calibration Frames. On testing this morning - I find this is where the problem lay - the original Darks. In any case, I think I have solved a long running problem that was really annoying me and degrading the data that I was working with. Here.....just for fun....I show you a full Ha frame that I was testing on. (There is a high res version of this on my website....where, by the way, I have updated the colour images using the new Darks).


    Ha  (1114 x 888).jpg

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Allinthehead said:

    I got another

    Well done again you 👏......I missed the name on that one when looking over the archive yesterday. 🙄

  12. 28 minutes ago, Allinthehead said:

    Lovely moody image Brendan. I very much like your understated style.

    Thanks Richard - thanks for the comment re the 'understated style'. I show them as I see them 🤣 🤓

    (By the way - like you - I found out after the fact re AAPOD2 for my previous image; Abell 85)

  13. 17 minutes ago, x6gas said:

    Another lovely image Brendan - excellent stuff.

    Thanks again.......the feedback on this image has been way above what I expected. As stated before - it appears to be a hard area to image but I am very happy too at how it turned out.

  14. 1 hour ago, astro mick said:

    I think this is up there with the best,an amazing and very well processed image.

    Love it.


    Thanks Mick.....I guess, in the end,  it was worthwhile staying up until 3 a.m. processing this 😀

    • Like 1
  15. 31 minutes ago, carastro said:

    I recently imaged this area, and also found it extremely difficult to process.

    Hi Carole....I just don't really know why it should be so difficult but that is 3 of us now saying that (including Rodd as I mentioned earlier). The Ha signal is not too bad and that is where the detail lies. You can see my full FoV in Ha on my website (if intereseted) @ https://www.kinchastro.com/sh2-115.html


  16. 7 minutes ago, fireballxl5 said:

    Great image and I really like the colours as well. Good to see your picture now as this is my current imaging project, started mid June but only 4 hours Ha / 1 hour OIII so far.  

    I found it quite a difficult area to do (and Rodd told me similar on another forum). Not only are there are so many tiny stars here but also the SII and OIII are very weak. So, whenever you get finished with getting the data I wish you the very best when it comes to processing it.....it will pass the time for and that's for sure 😂

    • Thanks 1
  17. 6 hours ago, morimarty said:

    Beautiful Image Brendan I would love that one in my locker. I think 17 hours is about right. After 4 hours processing go and make yourself a nice cup of tea then it all comes together.😀

    Thanks Martyn. When I actually did finish the processing of this one it was a case of crewling off to bed.....but then I am well used to doing that in the 'wee hours' of the morning. 😉

  18. 25 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

    ................your image is without a doubt better than anything that comes up, despite your misgivings about total imaging time. Inspiring image

    Thanks very much Adrian. In fact when I went searching myself, I knew that I could 'get away' with what I had done , although I had greater expectations. In fact, because the weather was not suitable last night - instead of getting more data, I started playing with what I already had. The result you see above came at 3 a.m. this morning....after playing with it for nearly 4 hours . 

    • Like 1
  19. SH2-115. 8 hours Ha + 4.5 hours each SII & OIII = total 17 hours. (FSQ130 & FLI ML16200)

    I could have and perhaps should have given this a lot more time......but some things just not coming together for me ast the moment to make that happen. 

    Final SH2-115 (1386 x 924).jpg

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