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Status Updates posted by gazza63

  1. Just got in from a 2-10 shift

  2. Bad Weather forces me to concentrate on my photography

  3. mrs is going out tonight...night to myself, and guess what?....Cloudy..ARRRG

  4. Clear night tonight....apparently ?

    1. gazza63


      As it now happens...apparently NOT!

      Typical british weather

  5. Early dark evenings are on their way. yee..ha

  6. just viewed the Moon Saturn and Venus through my binos, in the same field of view.That does'nt happen very often.

    1. baggywrinkle


      Nothing but cloud here....celestial pea soup!

  7. just viewed the Moon Saturn and Venus through my binos, in the same field of view

  8. Just spotted the ISS AT 22.13

  9. Weekend weather...is looking very promising.

  10. How come we get clear nights when we got work next day, and cloudy weekends !!!

    1. ronin


      There was an explanation for this several years ago, and I think it came from a reputable source. Whatever it was it made a fair degree of sense. However I also recall thinking wouldn't a bit of wind negate the idea. When I read bits like this I wish I had paid a bit more attention to it. When it comes to weather however there are a lot of ideas. Think the pollutants from cars had something to do with it.

    2. gazza63


      You could certainly be right there Ronin. In recent years, we have broken weather records countless times. Seeing as there are more cars on the roads now, you may well have a point.

  11. Clear sky's 3 night in a row, can't take advantage coz up at 5 for work! aaarghh

  12. clear night, but strong wind. cant win!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. emadmoussa


      I don't care, I'm going out in the wind...I've been waiting for a week to try my new eyepiece. According to the MetOffice, the wind will ease down after midnight...probably not

    3. Qualia


      Ay, we also have an evening of wind but I'm heading out to the dark site tonight (6 hour round trip). Next week looks bad (you guys up north are chucking your rain and clouds down on me), so take advantage of the relief.

    4. gazza63


      emadmoussa is right ! wind has dropped and its clear. setting my scope up now.

  13. forecast clear for tonight, lets hope, hey

  14. Clear skies tonight, apparently..about time.

    1. emadmoussa


      Fingers crossed, I was hoping we can get a chance this bank holiday.

  15. cloudy here tonight...so having a guinness or 2 instead

  16. Hoping next weekend has good weather

  17. wish i had a scope with a 25,000ft focal length to get past these clouds. FOV would be a problem though....Ha

  18. Hoping for a CLEAR weekend !

  19. Clearest night for ages. Although i got to be up at 5 in the morning, i could'nt resist the opportunity to have a look. M42 Orion was as clear as day.

  20. Clearest night for ages. Although i got to be up at 5 in the morning

  21. Just past 2.30 in the morning, clouding over, not much more to see now. Saw saturn and a few stars. not too bad a night.

  22. Waiting for clouds to clear?

  23. Clear sky.....Just seen Saturn....woo..hooo

  24. Clear night from 9pm tonight in south wales, getting patio heater and scope ready.

    1. Daniel-K


      I bet its nice when its a bit to cold at the scope and you just get next to that heater for a while

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