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Status Replies posted by alanjgreen

  1. howie glatter laser has landed  :headbang:

    1. alanjgreen


      yes, i use the tublug. it makes adjusting the primary easy as you can see the reflection in the display on the tublug. only downside is that once you get the paracorr + the tublug + glatter laser all in the focuser then it sits out a long way and gravity could pull it down?? if you have a quality focuser then that should be okay.

      the other thing I did was to measure how far the focuser travel is out when I am "in focus" with my most used eyepiece. then i use this focuser drawtube postion as the start position for collimation rather than having the focuser racked all the way in. You should try both ways and see which gives best results.

      I found that having the focuser in the most used postion and collimation from that point meant that I got better stars.


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  2. howie glatter laser has landed  :headbang:

    1. alanjgreen


      you have to remove the 1mm adjuster otherwise the glatter can hit the glass of the paracorr if it is in position "A"

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. howie glatter laser has landed  :headbang:

    1. alanjgreen


      did u get the tublug too?

      Also remember to leave the paracorr2 in place (in you use one) then insert glatter laser into the paracorr direct (remove the 1mm screw in adjuster FIRST and set the paracorr to the position you will use it most (or mid-point)). Test out how much you paracorr moves the laser, you will be surprised!



    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. It feels like the computer slewing is pulling the telescope away from where it wants to be and after

    I stop it swings back to the start position

    1. alanjgreen


      I posted a test for you to try over on the beginners blues posting you made


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. It feels like the computer slewing is pulling the telescope away from where it wants to be and after

    I stop it swings back to the start position

    1. alanjgreen


      Are the power cords tangled up. Cord wrap can stop the scope from moving freely.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Clear skies and no Moon forecast , yahoooooo!

    1. alanjgreen


      dont forget the SN in NGC4666 - "ASASSN-14lp" (Mag 11.1)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Lunt 60HA B1200 incoming :-)

    1. alanjgreen


      Great stuff. Hope you enjoy it. The sun is the king!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. Just had first light using Starsense on CPC1100. Success on each of the 4 occasions I tried it. No failures. It is quick!

    1. alanjgreen


      I really like the new controller - menus & display better than nexstar+

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Baader zoom EP + Celestron C11 = good combination?!

    1. alanjgreen


      at 2800 focal length, I would say you need lower powers to maximize usage of the C11. Doubt you would use much below 12mm. I just bought a 41mm eyepiece for my C11 for example

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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