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Everything posted by tekkydave

  1. I think you will find them well annotated. I always do lots of comments. Programs are for people to read not computers My memory is getting worse these days and it makes life easier if you need to go back to a program after a period of time. The arduino sketch is written by me so I have had free-rein to structure and write it how I like. The ascom driver uses a template provided by ascom and has fixed methods and properties so cannot easily be customized. I have moved any custom code, wherever possible into a separate class called AAF2. This makes it easier to maintain and also simpler to re-implement if the ascom template is changed in the future.
  2. The Arduino is programmed in a simplified version of C/C++ which is easy to pick up. There is a java-based ide on the arduino web-site which lets you write the programs (called sketches) and upload them to the arduino. The Ascom driver is written in C# which is a bit more complex but has many elements in common with C and Java. To write these you will need the Visual Studio ide. There is a cut-down free version you can download. If you are building my focuser and using the arduino sketch and driver on the sourceforge site you won't need to do any programming unless you want to modify the way it works.
  3. That board is the same one I used. It will work fine connected directly to the Arduino with no extra external power supply. The torque is not so high like that so adding adding an external supply on the pins marked 5-12V will give it a bit of a boost. I used 9V as it was convenient to use a PP3 battery in the focuser box. Good luck with the build and feel free to fire any questions at me if you get stuck.
  4. I don't really want to connect an LCD to the focuser. The nano's serial connection is fully occupied by the Ascom driver so another program would not be able to access it without disconnecting the client program first then reconnecting again to use the focuser.
  5. Looking at the Ascom spec there isn't a standard method or property for humidity, just temperature. There is the CommandString method that could be used to access the humidity from the Arduino.
  6. Just did a bit of research and there is a 1-wire arduino library ready to use. It doesn't need any extra electronics such as a 1-wire adapter or bridge chip which is usual in other applications. It works by so-called 'bit-banging' on an i/o port so will work for a limited number of sensors. As we only need one that's not an issue. In terms of humidity - is that something that would be useful for a focuser? If so I could look at the DHT22 as an alternative approach.
  7. It ought to be fairly simple. I use 1-wire sensors for my weather station but I've never used them with Arduinos. I know Gina has so I'll have to look through some of her posts. From the Ascom side it will be simple to modify the Arduino sketch to add an extra interface command to read the temperature. The Ascom driver already has the correct methods built in as it is part of the focuser class already.I'll look into it
  8. When I was a kid I used to buy nails by the quarter from our local hardware shop. Not because I needed them - I just liked the ritual and the smell of the shop and the nails. Maybe I'm just weird
  9. Thanks for considering my project. I think the easydriver uses direction and step pin connections rather than the 4 separate lines my design uses. You will need to amend the clockwise() and anticlockwise() functions in my sketch to work correctly. It might be best to search out a sketch that uses the easydriver and 'borrow' the appropriate sections. If you get it working let me have a copy and I'll add it to the sourceforge project.
  10. An interesting possibility. I thought about making a geodesic dome.
  11. I did look at your site when I was considering my options. I wanted to learn Ascom driver development at the same time which is why I started from scratch. Its a good idea to reuse an existing protocol though.
  12. I have released V2.1.3 on sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/projects/arduinoascomfocuser/ I have implemented the following: - The Ascom halt method. The method has been added to the driver and a H# command to the Arduino sketch. - Initial position. This has been achieved by a new Arduino sketch command Innnn# to allow an initial position of nnnn to be set. I have added a text box to the Ascom chooser properties dialog to allow a user to set their preferred starting position. I still haven't fixed the issue around driver registration but the workround is here http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/218975-arduino-ascom-focuser-mark2/?p=2365121 I have tested with APT, BYEOS and my FocusAAF2 test utility. Enjoy.
  13. I have released Version 2.1.2 on the sourceforge site https://sourceforge.net/projects/arduinoascomfocuser/ This minor change is to fix the issue with negative positions being allowed. I have been advised that it is not normal behaviour for an Ascom focuser to allow negative positions and it has caused issues with applications such as APT. The driver will now not allow movement below 0 and the Arduino sketch has been altered so it starts at position 1000 when powered up. Hopefully that will be ok for everyone. I may add an extra property on the config form of the driver to allow a user-selectable start position in future but this should work for now. I also need to implement the Halt command which would make it even more useful with APT. Next on the list I think. Let me know if there are any other features you would like to see or leave some feedback on the SF site. Thanks for using my project.
  14. I'll have to try that when I finally get to use my own focuser
  15. Great image. Glad my efforts have borne some fruit. I might even get to use it myself someday . I'm concentrating on getting my pier and seating area (ahem, shed) sorted so I can use everything easier. At the moment I have drag everything down from upstairs each time I want to use it. My plan is to get it all in place ready for the winter observing season. Once I have it all working I'll probably look to upgrade my mount to an AVX.
  16. Nice to see it all come together. Good luck - you could be the first to use it 'in anger'.
  17. Nice work. Love the hinge/spring errm self-tensioner.
  18. Thanks Noel, I'll have a good look at that article.
  19. TAAFI - tekkydaves arduino ascom focuser, improved
  20. Mick, you are correct - the nano gets power from the usb so it will work without the external power. I plan to pull the plug when not in use.
  21. Nice one. That's 3 people using the tekkydave AAF Mk2. Any more?
  22. My application wasn't really intended to be a proper client just a test program to make troubleshooting the Ascom driver & arduino a bit more interactive. That said it was a useful exercise in getting to know how to create a client. I may introduce a minimum position as the negative positions are a bit strange to deal with. The main issue I have outstanding with the driver is getting the .NET setup project to auto-register the dll. Any advice there would be appreciated. It seems to work fine on my dev box but others have reported it doesn't work on their systems and manual registration is needed.
  23. Very neat. Is your project documented anywhere? My simple test client just uses the ascom move and position calls. Ascom seems happy to handle negative positions so I hadnt really thought about it.
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