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Status Updates posted by chrisfellows

  1. When will this weather give us a break? Some of us have new telescopes to try out!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rory


      most misserable weather ever. so fed up with it now !

    3. Daniel-K


      i have a 2 hour clear gap forecasted for tonight at 12 which im going to use to collimate this F4 quattro !

    4. tingting44


      best to collimate during the day daniel

  2. Embroidery ring to hold your solar filter in place! Ingenious!!! I'll remember that.!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chrisfellows


      Not a problem....thats what this place is for! 3 screws around the ring too btw, to get a secure grip on your scope and no chance of it coming off.

    3. Ant


      They are also excellent for putting round a newt on and EQ mount. This enable you to position the ring in such a place that you can loosen the tube rings, rotate the scope to a more comfortable position with the risk of loosing the balance of the scope. :)

    4. chrisfellows


      Another great idea! I don't know what I'd do without this place!

  3. Wooow! My new skyhawk 1145P has come after just 2 days(thanks first light optics)....now I just have to wait until Christmas to open it!!! :-/

    1. tingting44


      welcome to the addiction lol :D

    2. Daniel-K


      no turning back now

    3. chrisfellows


      I know! I've already stripped down my old xbox cam ready to try and see what i can capture!

      I think my girlfriend is sick of it already and i haven't even got the telescope yet HAHA!

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