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Posts posted by CraigT82

  1. I've had a go at your 300 and 3000 frame stacks, just to see the difference that ten times the frames gives you.  Same processing in Astrosurface (I applied the processes to the 3000 frame image first then applied that same process to the 300 frame). No other post processing or touching up applied, not even any noise reduction.


    300 frame on left, 3000 on right

    300 vs 3000 frames CT.png

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  2. As it's cloudy I've had another go, this time I made use of the Wiener deconvolution function in Astrosurface. Tried to define the detail whilst maintaining smoothness.

    First attempt left, latest right.

    Thanks again for sharing your data @symmetal. If I ever get around to capturing anything this apparition I’ll be sure to share it too! 

    2022-09-20-0018_5-U-RGB-ZWO ASI224MC_Gain=350(off)_Exposure=5.0ms_4_Jup_lapl4_ap330_CT new.png

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  3. I think you’d probably have to lift the dob off the trolley and put it on the EQ platform. Are you making your own platform or buying? If making you could probably design it in a way to accommodate the trolley. But then again you’d still have to lift the lot up onto the platform so might as well lift the scope in its own rather than scope + trolley.

    Or are you thinking of having the scope on the platform and then having both on top of the trolley? Supposed that would be ok if the feet of the platform have somewhere to sit on on the trolley and the trolley was level (though I think some platforms have levelling built in though). Might make the EP quite high though.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Kon said:

    Ok, i had a play again and I agree that the original ones were over processed. What are your thoughts on these two. I think I am drawn to the second one although the first is more natural looking? Second is a blend of the first image below and my oversharpenned i posted at the start of the thread from registax. Topaz denoise doesn't make much of a difference in these softer images.

    image.png.897925669745c379aaea4eaf664bf267.png       image.png.6ae16d912462812604dbc30b22793f4e.png

    Those are much better to my eyes, the first one for me I think, very nicely done, could probably stand a saturation boost to make it come alive 

    • Thanks 1
  5. Yes will get up to 17.2" at opposition so should be able to get some real surface detail on a disc that size, will be a while before we see the 22" disc of 2020 again though


    Nice image btw the wide FoV gives it a real planet-hanging-in-space feeling which I like


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