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Posts posted by CraigT82

  1. 41 minutes ago, geoflewis said:

    Lovely rework Craig :thumbright:

    Thanks Geof, just concentrated on adjusting the colour and tidying the edges really. Had a another go at cloning away the edge rind which has worked a bit better than my first go. 

    • Like 1
  2. About 6 years ago I bought a big down filled parka coat from millets which was about £100 I think, best Astro investment I ever made. Also have some Karimoor snow fur insulated boots which have been great but are a bit worn out now.  For me it’s mostly the hands and feet that suffer. Haven’t yet found any gloves that keep my fingers warm whilst letting me operate everything without taking them off. The search continues.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, vlaiv said:

    Was thinking about this just this morning.

    My wife casually mentioned that she read online that boiling water more than once is harmful. My jaw dropped, so I went online and - sure enough, there are such claims scattered around the web.

    Ok, so it is a known thing that people tend to write utter nonsense just so they can publish something and earn some money of people reading that (or watching you tube videos and so on). This is unfortunately not limited to odd individual here and there - it has become mainstream in journalism - write sensational things, and don't care about accuracy, truth or if you are in fact writing utter nonsense, so we can't expect general public to behave any better then professionals.

    Problem is however much deeper if we start including AI in the equation. Most AI / Chat bots nowadays use hive mind approach to knowledge. What is stated on majority of sources online - must be truth / fact. On the other hand - we have copy / paste journalism and just passing on the "news" / articles without any sort of background check, so some things become "common knowledge" - even if they are completely wrong.

    This problem is going to just grow larger if "trusted" sources like AI / Google / Chat bots start serving the same content as being "valid.


    To be honest Vlaiv I'm not totally convinced you're not an A.I.



    • Like 1
    • Haha 6
  4. 6 hours ago, Neil_104 said:

    Here's one of my pics from the occultation on Thursday, this is the re-appearance. It's not the sharpest as by this stage the Moon & Mars were directly above a house and so affected by rising heat.

    This was taken with a C6 and ZWO ASI 533MC-Pro at f/20.

    I had planned on keeping things simple and just imaging the disappearance at f/10 and then viewing the re-appearance through the eyepiece, but I made the mistake of changing the plan at the last minute.... when taking my initial shots at f/10 as the Moon approached Mars, I decided I'd like to get a bit closer in on the action. So I grabbed a barlow and then fumbled about with cold fingers and a sleepy head to try to get it all connected (I suddenly needed to dig out an old 1.25" visual back instead of the 2" I was using initially). When I finally got it all set up, I looked at the laptop screen and Mars was...GONE! D'oh! 😫

    So lesson learned - more planning and fewer impulsive decisions for the next event of this kind!

    Anyways, I now had just under an hour to make sure I was pointing at the correct part of the Moon for the re-appearance. I made the decision not to change a thing, just WAIT 🙂

    It's a shame I lost out on the steadier skies for the disappearance, but I'm still really pleased this. It made the 4:15am get up and -3C temps worth it for sure.


    Very nice, was a great event 

    • Like 1
  5. 22 hours ago, knobby said:

    Really nice 👍🏻

    Thanks Knobby.

    21 hours ago, Space Cowboy said:

    Poor seeing or not you've got some nice definition there Craig.

    Thanks yeah came out ok which I was very surprised at after nearly giving up after one capture.


    21 hours ago, Kon said:

    Great image and nice details.

    Thanks Kon


    7 hours ago, si@nite said:

    A very nice image Craig some great detail there well done!

    Thanks Si

    7 hours ago, geoflewis said:

    That's really good Craig. I also like the colour, which is very similar to what I see folks like Damian Peach, Martin Lewis and others posting. I think I've messed up the histogram sliders with new my colour camera, as my images are comong out a bit too red/pink. I've had a discussion with Martin Lewis about it and done a bit of background reading, so now I think I was wrong to try to set the balance on Mars and probably should have left the sliders alone. Hey ho.....

    Thanks Geof. I don’t usually adjust the colour at all at capture I do it all in post. Must admit I spent quite a bit of time fiddling with the Hue and saturation.

    • Like 1
    • KIT: SW 300p on AZ-EQ6 (in AltAz mode). ASI485mc.   ZWO ADC.    Baader Q barlow 2.25x (working at 3.4x).    Astronomik L2 filter
    • CAPTURE & PROCESS: 10x60sec captures in FC.   Best 5% stacked in AS3.   Image derotation.   Sharpening in Astrosurface. Finishing in Gimp.
    • DETAILS: Image scale 0.12"pp/5200mmF/17.   Planet at 59 deg.   Derotated to 22:018 UTC.  Seeing seemed poor during capture, fuzzy disc difficult to focus. Transparency 10/10. Captured from Taunton, UK

    Thanks for looking & Clear Skies!






    • Like 12
  6. Yeah you might need a lot of extension to get up to f18, depends on the focal length of the barlow. 

    You can calculate the required extension using this formula:


    If the barlow focal length isn’t published you can get it by measuring the distance between the last cell and the top of the barlow, that will be the ‘distance’, you know the power is 2x so you can rearrange and get the barlow focal length. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Rustang said:

    I looked at getting a 3x barlow to bring it up to f15 but when I put my set up details into astronomy tools sample calculator it was even more damaging to the sample rate so I cant really up the focal length :(

    Ignore that calculator it’s not meant for planetary imaging.

    With the 224 you want to be up around f18 ish really. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 48 minutes ago, tomato said:

    I agree that you shouldn’t be too concerned. I had to get permission from the builder (new estate) to put mine up as there was a clause in the covenants about outbuildings but have never had any comment from the neighbours. With it being green my main concern was that somebody would chuck a load of empty bottles in there if I left the shutter open during the day.☺️


    Tidy 👍🏼

  9. Put the dome straight on the ground first and leave it there for a few weeks, let the neighbours complain if they want to. If anyone measures it it’s less than 2.5m high and no one can do anything about that, then after it’s all died down surreptitiously move it onto the slab! 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, wuthton said:

    Colour me confused, my apologies if I've misread your post but isn't the LZOS 130/ASI183 (F6, 0.63"/px) significantly faster than the 10" RC/ASI16200 (F8, 0.38"/px), regardless of the aperture?

    Actually, no. If we take 'faster' as meaning taking less time to acheive a specific SNR in an image.

    Very useful calculator here by @dan_adi.  Plugging in the scopes outlined above and subbing in the 533 in place of the 6200 as it's not in the app database (same pixel size) you can see the 10" RC setup is faster than the 5" frac. Have to make some assumptions about reflectivity/light throughput.



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