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alan potts

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Posts posted by alan potts

  1. That's come out very nice, feel I may invest in one of the duel filters for OSC to help improve my NB content on my captures. Be a few day before I can use the scope after I have just had an operation, still getting better every day.


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  2. 15 hours ago, vlaiv said:

    Just don't use drizzle - no point in doing so.

    Drizzle as algorithm works only when you have certain preconditions, and in practice no one having amateur setup will have these preconditions met. There simply is no benefit for doing drizzle and it only "hurts" your data.

    In order to utilize drizzle algorithm, one needs predictable PSF, oversampling based on that PSF and means to point their scope with sub pixel precision. It requires guide system and imaging system to be connected in such way that dither issued by guide subsystem result in exact pixel fraction shift of imaging system. While this in principle can be done - no software support exists (that I'm aware of).

    That sounds like a good reason to forget it, I was only trying it because it was there in DSS, thanks


  3. On 29/10/2019 at 16:15, KevS said:

    Alan, I am experiencing some similar problems; I have a similar capacity machine (RAM). Endeavoured to process some DSLR (Canon) subs this morning, getting massive files when processing in PS(7) and Gimp(2.10.12). DSS took about 6 hours to register, stack and align 231 x 180s subs. The laptop I use has recently updated itself to the latest incarnation of windows 10. I have also noticed that manipulating the image within either image processing programmes the files get progressively larger until the RAM is no longer able to cope. 

    Hope someone out there has some ideas.


    Been in hospital and have just seen, I am raising this with my friend later, he is an IT guru and if sorted I will let you know.


  4. 4 hours ago, JamesF said:

    I'm inclined to agree.

    Also, I have the f/6 Photoline 72.  The field is obviously a long way from flat even with an IMX174 sensor.  If the 102 is anything like the same then with your 1600MM you will almost certainly need the flattener or flattener/reducer that goes with it.  That may be an issue however as I seem to recall @alan potts posting recently about internal reflection problems with one of the TS flatteners.  It would be worth doing a bit of research there, certainly.

    In terms of build quality though, I really like the Photoline 72.  I'd hope the 102 is similar.


    Yes I indeed had a problem with my APM 115mm and a 379Red flattener, I am not totally sure we ever got to bottom of it, there was some paint off the inside of this flattener which I covered but the reflection continued after, it seem to go away though. Now though because I cannot get a 2 inch IR/UV filter in the optic path I have tended not to use it with my 071 camera. I did take a number of shots with my other camera 183MC and also with the same flattener. I never saw any internal reflection problem on these few hunderd subs, so what the issue was I don't know.


    • Like 1
  5. A great question to ask anyone from home. Drizzle, I tried it in DSS just because it is there even though I am not totally sure what it does.

    Now I only have 8gigs of RAM on the machine here in the basement which I tend to use for everything, The drizzled file is 925mb which is a a bit bigger but not massive however its more than the normal 180mb area.

    My computer using PS CC tells me not enough RAM to open it, any ideas why, as I thought it would not be too big at this size, seems a bit strange to me.


  6. 32 minutes ago, x6gas said:

    Good stuff Alan.

    I gave up on this one when I tried it - as you say it's very faint and needs a LOT of data.  I think that's why you don't see many images of it.  More data will help for sure but I think you've done a great job with what you have so far.  I don't mind leaving a bit of green in images but HLVG is worth getting to add to your tool kit. 

    I hope you don't mind but I've taken the liberty of running your image through it - obviously results are better with the original data rather than a jpeg but it gives you an idea...



    I don't mind what people do with what I post here, it all helps me. For what it's worth my brother worked at a job creation unit many years ago, there was a photographer there, he was shown a fair bit of my work on Rock concerts. I was pretty good at shooting with all the lights and and knew settings for this type of thing. About 8 month or so later on a wet day Brother and I went into a Gallery in Hull to see my photo's passed off as this other guy, the odd thing was I wasn't the one that noticed.

    Your result is very good but the stars are still horrible, added another hour last night and will do the same tonight, as it is clear, 19 days and counting.


  7. 12 hours ago, Allinthehead said:

    Hi Alan. You seem to be getting to grips with the new camera. 😎 As Geoff said you need more data. Try to gather at least 10 hours per target and if you haven't already do yourself a favor and invest in APP. It took my osc imaging to a level i couldn't achieve with Dss or PI. Definitely looks like a green cast and perhaps a gradient across the frame. If you use PS Hlvg is a great plugin as is gradient exterminator.

    I know your right and I am not going to argue as you know much better than me, 10 hours, I will make an effort to collect this much data but I get fed up of seeing the same thing on screen. I am really only doing recognisance on targets at the moment to see what I feel is worth more time and was collection 2-3 hours over the last few nights. We have had 18 nights on trot clear after a run of 43 and I tend to spend about 3 hours out per night, in anycase I wouldn't want to be out a great deal longer with the weather we get, there's always another night.

    At the moment I am having something of a struggle with a medical condition that I am being operated on for on Weds, I cannot allow myself to get cold. But hopefully after this I can get back to something of a normal life once recovered where cold which doesn't normally bother me can be ignored. The prostate is very good at picking up cold I am told and in any case to sit for longer is difficult with a catheter, hopeful this will be a thing of the past in say a month, I'm in good nick so should be able to get back to normal fairly fast.

    I will look at APP which I believe is Astro Pixel Processor or something like, I have PS CC at the moment but no plug-ins for gradient, The green cast I tried to put right in a shot posted just above, where on my screen it has gone, for sure it was there. Can I ask what is Hlvg? I have only heard of Astro Flat which I have seen used on my data.


  8. Well Geoff, my default on this is PS and that don't want to know so I changed it windows picture viewer and that also don't seem to want to know either, I don't have anything else on this machine. I will have a look later in the observatory where I have two more picture viewing programs that my mate Venci rates highly.

    Ha ha over 2 minutes then they both open up in the programs, that could be my Net connection, appeared to have a bit of a purple caste on my monitor but stacks more in there than I have in mine, nice shot.


  9. 46 minutes ago, assouptro said:

    Great start on an interesting patch of sky Alan 

    I like your star colours. 
    what camera and filters was this taken with? 



    Thanks, Bryan, the star colours may be ok but the stars themselves are not at all good, I had to stretch this so much to actually get anything. I used my 071 Zwo on this, it like the 183 are both OSC cameras and the only filter I have for either is the IR/UV block filter which someone recommend to use. The 071 is a nice camera showing a wide field and can be used on an array of scopes, for 1500 it has a good sized APS C chip, which I think is the same size as the one in my Canon 40 D.

    Going to add to this tonight and maybe tomorrow try and control things better, I don't like to over colour my images if I can help it, at least I try not to.


  10. 1 hour ago, Spitfire said:

    Alan, your image is great, it just requires a bit more data.   I've stolen some notes from Dean Salman's web page "CCD Images of The Sharpless Catalogue" as follows...... " Shooting a lot of RGB color is a good idea because there are a few nice reflection nebulae in the area that would be hidden using just the H-Alpha filter. The reflection nebula comes out very nicely over time. Using just a clear filter for the luminance is not going to work very well, so if you don’t have an H-Alpha filter, use the red as a luminance to help pick up the vast nebula in the area". 

    Your "black hole" on the right is there and a bit larger than your image shows, so it's not your flats.

    I took this image 3 years ago, I don't know if it will help but may be useful as a comparison.



    sh2-150ha50%.tif 89.53 MB · 10 downloads

    I will add to it tonight, it's a faint one for sure, can't get your image to open in PS, tried a few times, nothing. It is a rather nice area that I feel is worth spending a bit more time shooting. I have to admit with having 2 new cameras I am rather hopping around doing an hour here an hour there so I can see what is what now I have this new Shapeless catalogue loaded.


  11. 2 hours ago, astro mick said:

    That's an interesting one Alan.Not sure if I have seen it before.I know what you mean it is rather nice.

    Well done for the capture.

    Do you take flats and Bias frames?

    On my PC it does have a slight green tinge,but hey I,m no expert,and never will be.


    Mick, I do Flats and Dark Flats but was told not to do Bias as it takes two calibration out on the Flats, I was doing this a while back but stopped. It too has a green tinge on my monitor which cost a packet, so there is not much wrong with yours.

    I stretch this image so much to get this far and tried to remove then green a bit but it is still there. I may add another 45 minutes tonight and try harder with the processing, it's a faint one though Mick.

    Just remember I could have used channel mixer to take green out, removed 10% Must try harder with the stars they look horrible.



  12. Well I have had to stretch the living daylights out of this to get anything really, and used all 2 hours 8 minutes of data, guess this is just not enough for this patch. The stars have suffered and just can't find my book on star masking so they look pretty awful. There is something nice about the image though I am not sure what.

    I posted this as I have not seen it before and I am jumping around targets to see whats up there. I don't know if the dark patch on the right is meant to be there or is a result of poor Flats again.



    Please feel free to offer advice.


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  13. 2 minutes ago, steppenwolf said:

    Just for comparison, Alan, here is the image that I produced using PixInsight and its Dynamic Background extraction process with no tweaks to the levels. On this occasion, I prefer the PS version to the PI version:-


    I use PS CC, and I will get this plug-in, I have actions though I do not use, think I may well add another hour tonight as this weather just keeps on, they say snow next week, it's 28 outside.


  14. 12 minutes ago, steppenwolf said:

    This background does have quite a gradient to it and this is simply caused by light pollution. I use PhotoShop for most of my image processing and when I get a gradient like this, I use a plug-in called AstroFlat Pro which was written by Noel Carboni to correct it. I have applied this plug-in to your image and this is the result with a slight tweak to levels:-


    Thanks Steve, I can see I will have to get this. I don't have very much LP at all this is why I find it so difficult to understand, the only area where I have any is to the SE and this is in the East. I imagine the low down glow from the Town's LED lights must extend higher than I thought. When I shoot to the West as I have just checked, there is not the same effect, though this was based on only two targets..


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