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alan potts

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Posts posted by alan potts

  1. 44 minutes ago, carastro said:

    I never find I can re-GOTO the target after a Meridian flip, or at least it's not in the centre of the FOV/same position.  always end up having to re-position.  (Don't use plate solving).  However plate solving won't cure cone error because basically the scopes are not lined up after the flip.  

    For example, If I centre both scopes on a bright star on one side of the meridian flip and then do a flip the bright star is on the crosshairs of one scope but not in the same place on the other but approx 1/4 of the way along one of the cross hairs for instance.  This is on my widest FOV scope, so would be even worse with higher magnification.

    There is a way of correcting cone error to do with adjusting the bolts on the dovetail, but knowing my abilities I am bound to make it worse not better, so I just leave it be and live with it.

    It's pretty easy to adjust with the SWGuidescope mount as it's just a turn of the wheel or bolt.



    Carole, I am staggered by the accuracy of the CEM 60 working on one side of the meridian, every night bang in the same place, even after the flip it is only slight out and I haven't really done an accurate PA, which may well account for it. Most times working on one side is enough for me as I rarely do more than 3-4 hours on the scope. I know you shouldn't but I like to do a few targets each nigh and repeat the next, with our weather you can get away with it, often having multiple clear nights .

    As for me and cone error, I think it is best left alone.


  2. This may be a bit beyond me by the sounds of it. I wasn't too worried about alignment to a point as one scope will be 330mm and the other 805mm with different cameras.

    I think what I may do it fit the rig up and chop and change cameras from one scope to the other, balance will not be greatly affected I would have thought. I have both the 071 and 183 registered in APT so just a case of switching. On the other hand I do have two sets of gear and many laptops,  so weather permitting could get the AZ EQ 6 back out and run that with a short focal length Borg, which I think is 331mm and shoot a different target. Need to get a bit stronger first as the the AZ is about 20kg and I shouldn't lift it yet, even though I am sure I can.


  3. Something wish to move into in the next few weeks as I get stronger after the operation, I opened up the obsey last night and got some data before high cloud and the Moon ruined it all.

    I would like to do a duel mount with the 805mm APO and maybe the Borg 77ll F 4.3 coupled with the 183MC. Can APT handle two cameras at the same time?

    If so how does one do it, or would I have to run 2 APT programs at the same time and would Dither cause a problem a problem, or would I have to stop Dither.

    A bit ambitious for me so lets see if you lot can walk me through it. I am using an i5 thinkpad with 4 gig of Ram but am considering putting a faster 8 gig i5 desk top outside soon.


  4. Very nice Mick, this is one that I will have to track down and have a go at though it will be OSC and no astrodons either, might well get one of those newish duel filters for the camera though.


  5. On 10/11/2019 at 15:53, PhotoGav said:

    How much of the 8GB RAM is made available to Photoshop? There is an option in PS Preferences to assign RAM to the application. Have a quick check in there. Might be a total red herring, but worth a look...

    Thanks Gav, my IT mate found this and sorted the situation though with being in Hospital I had forgotten about the thread after Vlaiv had basically told me it was a waste of time using it, his knowledge much greater than mine.

    Many thanks in any case.


  6. Great image and an amazing amount of dedication required to pull it off, very well done both of you. I took a shot of this with my OSC and got the orientation completely wrong cutting it in half, must dig out the image and see I can match up any bits, a mere 2 hours.


  7. As good an image as I have seen of this, want to try it myself but am struggling to get it all in and can't changes scopes over at the moment after hospital, weather seems to have turned as well. Great shot and a pleasure to view.


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