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Naemeth last won the day on July 2 2013

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    North Yorkshire

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  1. Sat waiting in near darkness (to get my night vision adapted) waiting for skies to darken soon. 14 Messier objects are on my list of targets for tonight - not sure whether I'll manage any but I hope I do. Will write up if I get some good observing done :).

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AlexB67


      Good luck, skies good here, had quick Saturn session, now wait for some minutes and hunt for some Messiers, or more like, revisit some this time. :)

    3. AndyWB


      Good luck, look forward to hearing what you're after!

    4. Naemeth


      Just came back in, too much high cloud to see anything much really. So many of my guide stars were obscured by the high cloud I couldn't find what I was looking for. Even M13 eluded me.

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