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Posts posted by Stargazer33

  1. I'm going to ask a very silly question now and I apologise in advance. You did do the clutch back up after moving the mount? That might explain the gears working but nothing moving.

    A dew shield on an 8" sct is a must. It also blocks out any stray light. Heater tapes are good for those really bad nights, but this requires another power supply.

    • Like 1
  2. So sorry to hear of your loss. It's very hard to say goodbye to a beloved pet. Harry - my avatar - died seven years ago now. We still have his sister, Phoebe, who has recently turned twenty. We content ourselves with the hope that we give our pets better lives than they had before they came to stay with us - all our cats over the years have come from the Cats Protection League. 

    Maybe there is a new asterism in the sky called Ed the Astronomy Dog!

  3. Displaying in 256 colours goes back to the old days of computing when the screens displayed a maximum of 256 colours only. You couldn't get the subtle variations that you get now; therefore if your picture went from black to light blue, you would see each new colour in the gradient as a separate band, rather like your image. Hence my observation. 

    Can you set the colour depth on your camera; or, are you importing your images into your processing software in a low colour depth? Even 8bit colour depth should give better gradients than your image above is displaying. 

  4. Do you mean the circular colour banding? It looks like low colour depth. As though it's displaying in 256 colours only. Other than that I can't see any anomalies. 

    If it's not colour depth, then a previous owner may have tried to clean the sensor with a poor outcome! Have you tried taking a frame without a lens attached to see what you get?

  5. Do you mean a QHY5L II camera? Mine didn't come with a lens, just the extension tube, parfocal ring and rubber spacing washer, in addition to the cables. 

    If it is indeed a lens, then you will need to remove it before fitting the camera to the 'scope. Yes it does go into the focuser in place of an eyepiece. 

    You can use the extension tube and parfocal ring to match focus with an eyepiece so that you can switch between the two.  The extension tube also helps if you don't have enough back focus on your focuser.


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  6. Taken from our back garden at about midnight Friday 17/Saturday 18.

    EQUIPMENT:  Canon 1100D modified by Juan Fierros at Cheap Astrophotography, Canon 70-210mm f4 EF lens @ 140mm, Hoya HMC UV(c) filter, CLS EOS clip-in filter, Static tripod (Slick88).

    11 x 4" frames manually stacked in PS CS4 using a new Exclusion layer for each stacked frame. Then levels; curves; Exposure; Filter - HLVG; Filter - Gaussian Blur; Hue/Saturation;  Colour Balance; Channel Mixer, to name but a few!

    I had to do a manual stack as DSS didn't seem to be able to recognise the stars, reporting back that only one frame would be stacked?


    • Like 3
  7. I wish I could do a belt mod on my CGEM as the backlash is horrible and as for the noise! I've turned the custom slew rate right down to keep the mount as quiet as possible for the neighbours. I'm going to do a DIY hypertune soon to try to improve both problems. I've got all the bearings; now I just need the grease, wet and dry, IPA etc. and to make a couple of pin spanners and I'm good to go.

  8. You could remove half of the existing roof and then build a roll over roof section that rolls back over the remaining half roof. Put an upstand at the new edge of the existing roof for weatherproofing.

    Nice shed btw.

    • Like 1
  9. Although this image was taken on a CGEM mount, it was taken with a Skywatcher Startravel 80, manually focused and no coma corrector. 50 x 90" lights, calibrated with darks and flats. Polar alignment was waaay off (I was setting up/testing other things)!


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  10. Ditto, came off FB years ago. Only joined because the dive club had a members page with info, dates, resources etc. This and CN are the only social media sites I belong to.

    Do appropriate the post though. I'm sure there are lots of members who will be very interested.

  11. Yeay, a spot! At least you can get your kit out and in quickly! 😳🤭 Takes me at least 30 - 40 minutes (must start planning for an obsy).

    I might try and have a go at this tomorrow. As someone else said in another post, it will give me something to focus the 'scope on!

  12. On 26/05/2020 at 07:46, newbie alert said:

    If that's with the locking ring still in place then your whole taper bearing is shifted down..

    Which one is it, the DEC axis that uses the RA shaft or visa versa?

    It's the dec axis. The picture is of the bottom (counterweight shaft end). It's the other end I can't undo; under the saddle.

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