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Everything posted by bendiddley

  1. Thanks. Good to know yours would be similar, so obviously not unusual to be that length then. I'm using an SXVF-M25C. I read someone saying something about longer exposures introducing gradients into flats, just wondered if shorter exposures were better.
  2. Used the CCD flats aid last night on APT with my CCD and flat panel. Coming out as 7.25 seconds. Set the ADU target to 30,000 and ADU range 10%. Not sure if these settings are right or what an ideal flat exposure time should be or whether it makes any difference being longer or shorter. I'm using some grey acetate on the flat panel as the lowest brightness without the acetate wasn't giving any results on the CCD flats aid. Any advice, tips welcome. Cheers.
  3. You can get 1.25" top and bottom end caps here... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/193604501949
  4. I didn't realise you could get screws like that. Is there any reason why you didn't go for ones that had thumb screws rather than hex sockets?
  5. Just came across this post. what did you need the grub screws for?
  6. Does anyone know if its essential for an SCT or Mak to have a Bahtinov mask with the hole in the middle for the secondary mirror or can a standard Bahtinov mask be used?
  7. Does anyone know if this bahtinov mask generator is any good? Cheers. http://astrojargon.net/MaskGenerator.aspx
  8. I would be very interested to know the results of this.
  9. Does anyone know if the central bolt from a skywatcher EQ5 tripod will fit an HEQ5?
  10. Probably graphic designer who designed the label was having a bad day lol
  11. Cheers. If it's light blue, why would it say blue on the box?
  12. I got this filter with some stuff I bought the other day. Says its blue on the packaging but when I go on the Baader website this model (#2458303 - link below) is described as light blue. Does anyone know which it is, blue or light blue? Cheers. https://www.baader-planetarium.com/en/baader-colour-filters-(blue-bright-blue-green-yellow-red-orange).html
  13. I use a Samsung n220 plus netbook. Does the job nicely. I run eqmod, sharpcap, cartes du ceil, astrophotography tool and phd off of it with no problems. I also use it to stack all my image files in deep sky stacker. Its nice and small too so doesn't take up much room. Dirt cheap on eBay too. Wouldn't use it for anything other than capture and stack though. Photoshop work is done on my Mac.
  14. Sorted it guys. It was Generic GRBG that was needed. Matrix has gone, and normal colours returned. Now I can get on with some processing!!
  15. Just tried RGGB and matrix is still there (see image below). I'll try the GBRG one next and then the others.
  16. Anyone know what Bayer matrix settings I should use in DSS for my Starlight xpress SXVF-M25C? Tried stacking my image files of the Orion neb taken earlier in the week but the final image has a matrix grid on it. Have included some screen shots below showing the image and the DSS Bayer matrix settings screen. I know it says I am using a canon dslr camera which is what it was on when I stacked the image (forgot to change it) but I don’t know what else it should be. Another screen shot shows some other options in the menu. There are also other things to tick further down the window under the Bayer matrix transformation section, not sure what it should be on. Hope someone can help. Cheers
  17. Does anyone store their 130PDS in a padded bag? If so what do you use? I've got a geoptik one for my 200PDS, need something similar but a bit cheaper! Cheers.
  18. No box, chucked it out ages ago, would be too big anyway. Have a small space for it in my wardrobe next to my 200p so need something quite compact.
  19. Anyone know of anything that might work as a padded storage bag for a 130PDS? I've got a Geoptik bag for my 200PDS but they don't do a 130 size. Cheers.
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