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Posts posted by wormix

  1. On 06/06/2020 at 15:11, jiberjaber said:

    Wow - this has been a busy day on this.  I thought a bit more about the use of the banner text version and decided it was better to not have the execution of the php in cron but to just execute it before the picture is copied, so to this end I removed the cron entry part listed above and modified the copypic.sh script.  There is now a true/false option so if you want to use the banner version of the image in the movies you can, if not, then it is ignored, if you want to give this a go, replace copypic.sh with the following:



    Finally got round to updating copypic.sh to show the banner text.  Works flawlessly.

    Have sourced a dome and a friend is 3D printing a camera mount / M12 Lens fitting for a 160 degree lens I acquired so hopefully not long till its ready to go.  

    Weirdly one of my Pi Zeros doesn't like being connected up to USB power banks - it keeps resetting after  a few minutes  - whereas the other runs happily on it.  Power longer term will be via 12v Lead Acid / Solar panel.  Interested to see how the M12 lens performs

  2. Almost finished my Polaris - reassembled and modification to take a standard dovetail.  Now just need to find a polar cap and cut down the fixing bolts and it’s good to go. 

    Here she is in all her glory with a stunner of a Meade ETX125 (woodwork needs some care)


    • Like 2
  3. 25 minutes ago, heliumstar said:

    It's good I didn't try this myself ;)  Amazing amount of parts he he.


    Here's my latest Alt-Az mount. Ayo II. Waited for this one to come on sh market for awhile. I have to say though that Vamo is as smooth as its bigger 'brother' Ayo II and as stable at 130x so in reality no real improvement with my telescopes - apart from mounting two on it ;)


    It went back together very easily - much less of a headache than my old EQ5

    Hope you are doing ok


    • Like 2
  4. Look great - I got a Vixen Polaris earlier this year which came with a short tripod for Newtonians. Was going to build a taller tripod, but maybe I should scour the ads for something I can repurpose instead. 


    • Like 1
  5. On 30/01/2020 at 12:46, Barry-W-Fenner said:

    An updated pic! The set is complete, Unless of course my 200p plays nicely with the 3.2mm Eye piece? I dont know if it will though.

    Next is a nice 2" wide FOV 32mm to 40mm eye piece as recommended by the pros 🙂




    Hi Baz, what are the dimensions of this case?  Looks perfect for what I need. 


    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, discardedastro said:

    sudo is "substituting for this user user, do..." and defaults to the root user. sudo -s says "make a shell as this user" - a shell being the thing you're typing into.

    root is the superuser account and best left alone if you can avoid it - you should never have to install or run anything as root (and this particularly goes for web applications). You want to run applications as a user - pi is the usual one. Your web server will also run with an "unpriviledged" account. The point being that if anything goes wrong or someone tries to make anything go wrong (i.e. attacks) then a user without full access can't do too much. Whereas if you're root, you can do anything.

    System configuration such as configuring systemd is often something that requires root access, so you use sudo to temporarily elevate your session for a given command. This avoids logging in as root etc.

    Makes sense, cheers. 
    Learning all this as I go along so good to get these tips. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, JamesF said:

    Because "there's always more than one way to do it"...

    "sudo -s" also gives you an interactive root shell.  And instead of typing "exit" you can use "ctrl-D".



    That’s just crazy talk - no idea what any of that means!!!!???


    i ended up setting Root password and logging in as Root to install, but those ways seem easier. 

  8. 51 minutes ago, fozzybear said:

    Still having problems virgin build on an 3b+ Buster. cloned site into home directory logged in as pi yet when i try and run 

    service lighttpd force-reload
    echo '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' | tee /var/www/phpinfo.php

    get access denied


    also when opening localhost.local get error 404

    following the script from readme.md


    do you guys execute these commands from

    Most of this information came from https://www.dronkert.net/rpi/webcam.html
    which is what this project is based upon.


    I ignored all the Dronkert stuff, that’s just in there for info. 

    Copy the download from github and save it so your file structure is /home/allsky and as Jason says, copy the html files into /var/www when it asks you to. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. Update - Ran all night no problems and the modification to remove the 110kb limit gave me a 22 second video which is about right given how short “night” is at the moment. 

    Minor change to display banner text on video and proper enclosure is next on the list and then I think I’m done. 

    Thanks Jason & Pete - this has been an enjoyable distraction. 


    • Like 3
  10. Have adjusted the image deletion line, taken delivery of a V2 camera and now giving it a trial run out side.

    Obviously not it’s final enclosure but wanted to see how it goes and I’ve also covered that green led for the night. 

    Also only stock lens at the moment so need to order a wide angle.  So far the only expenditure on this project is a temp probe for £2 and the new camera at £24.  I had the zero in stock.

    Strange thing happened today - I have a second zero which I soldered with the temp probe (the other is attached to a header) and power hardwired into the base and it was very unstable.  Kept crashing and rebooting, so I have relegated that one back to the shed and using the original one for now. 




    • Like 2
  11. Good morning everyone, 

    I fancy giving solar observation a go this year so was considering purchasing a solar filter for my scope. 

    Firstly, are there any I should go for over another, and what to to steer clear of?


    Secondly, which scope is most suited? I gave a fair few in my repertoire;

    SW ST80

    Meade ETX90

    Meade ETX125

    SW PDS150

    Orion XT10 


    I was thinking that the ETX90 would be the best bet, but is there a reason why one of the others may be more suited?





  12. Well pleased - connected up a temp sensor, copied over the standard HTML files and it’s all working!

    Now need to see what happens with tonight’s video - I suspect it may be the file size issue that jiberjaber mentions a few pages back - the video stopped just after I went to bed last night and started when the sun started to come up so I’m guessing a primarily black image is coming up as a very small image. 

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