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Status Updates posted by andyman

  1. kinnect...certainly keeps you fit

    1. tingting44


      you tied it for planetary imaging? haha :D

    2. andyman


      Now theres a thought..haha

  2. How do you highlight a particular line made in a post....cheers

    1. Qualia


      If want to quote someone, just click on the quote option at the bottom of their post. If you want to have more option, click on that button at the end of your post.

    2. Pig


      Select the edit tool of your choice just before you type what you want to highlight and then de-select it when you want to revert back to the original format.

  3. Picking your first scope is easy compared to choosing a engagement ring for valentines day its a nightmare

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. andyman


      Thanks pal...best be worth it..sacrificing 14"dob here

    3. Naemeth


      I guess congratulations is in order :). As long as you're happy with your choice that is - perhaps your wedding present from your future wife could be the 14" dob?

    4. andyman


      Cheers mate...this engagement is going to last long enough till i get dob fund in place again...then just as i am about to pull the trigger she will want a wedding haha not going to happen a second time...no way ho zay

  4. Did you no its illegal to sell moon rocks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tingting44


      If you want to invest a billion dollars in building your own Saturn V rocket, and travel to the Moon with your friends, and gather your own Moon rocks, and then sell them at $1000000 per kilogram..BY ALL MEANS, do so.

      But, if you receive these rocks from either the Apollo missions or the Soviet rover missions...then they are stolen research property, and they may not be in possession of any individual. They are very expensive, and they have the purposes of remaining as resear...

    3. andyman


      Dont shoot the messenger i just heard it on a quiz show today..no explanation was given to why it was illegal

    4. Gartut200


      Ahhhh I know the rovers and luna landers are still the property of Russia and the USA but if you find a moon rock or travel there yourself there is nothing stopping you :)

  5. Christmas shopping grrrrrr

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JB80


      Toy shop, check. Online shop, check. Lying delivery companies, double check.

      It's amazing, in Spain they don't even attempt to deliver it to you and send it back.

    3. Space Dragon

      Space Dragon

      I loath everything to do with Xmas, .....everything. Hope it's clear xmas night, I can get away from her family !

    4. andyman


      Hope it is clear for us all on xmas night so we can all take a deep breath and chill under the stars for a few hours

  6. 10 " dob sold 14" get ready whooo hooo

    1. AlexB67


      Nice :) Be ready to strengthen those back muscles, as long they agree with the upgrade, you are good to go :D

    2. andyman


      with all them extra photons hitting my eye i will make them agree

  7. looking good for tonight

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