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Posts posted by wookie1965

  1. 8 minutes ago, Rob said:

    OMG!... I'm trying to think of the best approach now. I'm guessing you split the crown and flint lens. I would suggest reaching out to a Vixen telescope supplier to see if you can obtain new spacing tabs. I'm trying to make out the image fully. Is that liquid between the lens, if so you will have to split them re clean and leave to fully dry (maybe in an airing cupboard). Shame I don't live closer I'd offer to come and assit!

    No it's not liquid it's two clamshell chips I am really hacked off about it. I cleaned them but someone has had them apart two separating tabs are stuck on the other is a bit of tinfoil. The crown tipped to one side as I put it in and jammed I tried going around gently pushing it when those two chips came off and popped out. 

    The cell was loose when I inspected it so I knew someone had been at it before when I unscrewed it there was loads of metal fillings off the screw thread I had to blow all that out. 

    I really should have sent it back and left alone but I thought it is a good scope I can clean the glass as I have done it before the glass was really tight going in took me numerous times to get it in. 


    • Sad 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, John said:

    I'm a suspicious so and so and I am wondering that sticker has been applied to a chinese made Celestron 102 F/9.8 ?

    The focuser (or at least what I can see of it) does not look quite right for a Japan / Vixen made 102 either - it looks like the chinese one that the 102 F/9.8's branded Helios, Skywatcher, Konus, Saxon etc used. 

    Hope I'm wrong of course 😕

    If it is a chinese made Celestron 102 the tube rings from the Skywatcher Evostar 102 should fit it.

    Sorry to spread more confusion 

    Do these help John. 





  3. 2 hours ago, Obsi said:

    What is a red dot finder?

    Thanks for the tutorials!
    Edit: I already watched this tutorial 😉 the procedure is clear, but I couldn't find any of the stars. The basic direction was right but the field of view seems to be so narrow, that I wonder all over the area but didn't get a lucky shot on finding it. I expect it to be clear when like Beteigeuze comes into view? So far I only saw small white dots and 7 satelites.


    Many people use a Telrad similar to a red dot finder, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAkIgnPABhg  Hope that helps.


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  4. 48 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Says made in Japan, so from what John says it is likely the same as a Vixen 102M anyway. Do you not get good results from it?

    Yes very good but it is not my scope a friend lent it to me, had some great nights with it.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Franklin said:

    This is an old "Vixen made" for Celestron 102M, @wookie1965 it's the same scope as the Vixen 102M you've just bought, apart from the colour that is.

    I am sorry Tim my heads all over the place, the celestron ota is slimmer than the vixen I was going to put the celestron`s rings on the vixen just to try it but they wont fit.

  6. 8 hours ago, John said:

    I assume that your Celestron C-102 F/9.8 is one of the more recent, chinese made ones ?

    Back in the 1980's / 1990's Vixen used to make them for Celestron and they were exactly the same as the 102M Vixen's, apart from the gloss black colour scheme.


    To be Honest John I dont know I will take a picture of the label maybe you can find out from that. I know its an old scope.



  7. 30 minutes ago, Peter Drew said:

    That should do fine Paul.  Compare that with the size of the obstruction on small Mak's and SCT's and you will see that there is little to worry about regarding performance.    🙂

    Just need to find a adapter now all say 36.4 to 1.25mm , The chrome fitting is 41.5 internal and the piece that screws in is 42.7 

    Best wishes 




  8. 5 hours ago, C6rrules said:

    Using fracs for more than a few years , I’ve never come across a used one that looked smudged or cloudy .

    There’s always the enthusiastic cleaner who can leave a flint looking like Brillo .

    There’s also the fungi growers , pernicious little beasts with their coating eating acids. 

    looks like the securing ring has been graunched on and off . 

    It’s a shame , I’ve a 90M and a 102SP , both punch well above their aperture.

    send it back 


    I should of packed it away when you said and sent it back too late now.

    • Sad 2
  9. 10 minutes ago, Peter Drew said:

    Sorry to read this Paul ☹️.   Despite the damage, if the areas are blacked out there will be little affect on the performance, a resale would take a big hit unfortunately.  I had a 90mm Vixen with a much larger chip and it still worked fine.  

    Thanks Peter I have been told to put black electrical tape over it. Like this. 


  10. 10 minutes ago, Stu said:

    😩😩 did you know that when you bought it? Pretty bad if not.

    No I knew it came with no attachments but I would of expected it to say it only had 0.965 attachment and did not take 1.25mm eyepieces. The dovetail and finder scope I can live with and there is no sending it back now.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Oh no! Really sorry to see this Paul. Didn’t know you were taking the objective apart, did it need cleaning between the elements?

    Yes someone must of had it apart the whole cell was loose and the glass inside was smudged told you I'm cursed if it can happen it will.  really feel like taking the tip.

  12. 1 hour ago, John said:

    I've replied to your PM Paul.

    For the eyepieces I think what you need is a 36.4mm - 31.7mm push fit adapter, like this:

    Vixen 1.25" Telescope Eyepiece Adapter 0.965" to 1.25" Ships from USAの ...


    Thanks John just replied I'm up the wall feel like chucking it in the tip. 

    Measurements don't add up and like I posted to you this happened getting the cell back together. 

    Feel like crying nothing goes right for me. 





    • Sad 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Rob said:

    Sorry its not a good start for you on this. The SP102M is a fantastic scope. I felt sure you could buy a thread on 1.25" eyepiece/visual back adapter for this??.. Also have complete faith that you will bring that lens back to its shiny glory with a little time spent!. Rob

    Ohh I cleaned the glass putting it back together this happened. 


    • Sad 9
  14. 4 minutes ago, Ratlet said:

    Did they clean it with a banana peel?

    Looks like it doesn't it I should be able to clean it myself. I have sorted the dovetail just need 2 M6 bolts with the right thread. Adapter wise I was looking at a baader one but its 36.4mm to 1.25mm yet the part it would screw into is 35.6mm.

  15. 44 minutes ago, Peter Drew said:

    There is an alternative screw in adapter that accepts 1.25" eyepieces.           🙂

    I am just worried about the measurement when checking mine it reads 35.5mm as in the picture not 36.4mm. Thanks.

    5 minutes ago, woldsman said:

    My Vixen Custom 90 came with a diagonal and 0.975”  eyepieces. Yours looks similar. I think you need a prism 1.25” diagonal with a Vixen 36.4mm thread. These come up quite often - try an eBay search or place a wanted ad. 



    I really want to use 1,25mm eyepieces as I have no 0.965  eyepieces.

    3 minutes ago, Star Struck said:

    I bought one of these:



    It works like a dream. You can then use any of your existing 1.25 diagonals.

    I have looked at that but as said to Peter the measurements dont correspond for some reason.

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