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Posts posted by wookie1965

  1. Does anyone know if you can search for SAO numbers in Sky Safari please.

    As a lot of people know I like double stars and I prefer to use the SAO catalog, I have just got a bluetooth dongle which makes using my phone and Sky Safari much easier to use.



    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Second Time Around said:

    Can I ask why nearly everyone uses plucked foam cases? Is it just the look?

    Instead I use a case with moveable padded dividers.  I prefer it as it's so much more flexible.  I can change the configuration accordingly to what I'm taking with me.  It also quickly and easily deals with new eyepieces etc.

    I've never found any of the contents ever get damaged.  Neither it seems do photographers who've been using them for ages.



    I dont use plucked foam I have Shadow Foam much better.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Alan White said:

    Postie yesterday, but opened today while sat in the caravan, as away.

    A used very fine book from @Stridor, the inner wrapping paper packaging made me laugh, told the Mrs it was a present.


    I hope it will fire me up to widen my double star observing and more than the obvious few.


    I was looking at that as I am a big double star fan 

    • Like 2
  4. 11 hours ago, Naughty Neal said:

    Are you straight thru viewing or diagonal ?


    10 hours ago, bosun21 said:

    I take it you are talking about spacers between the objective lenses. If you have the original doublet lenses but no longer have the original spacers you are going to have to fabricate them yourself. Are you sure that the bottom lens is seating correctly in the cell.



    Everything is seated correctly I think I have sorted the focus problem it was this https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/baader-125-t2-helical-focuser.html?_gl=1*1nlolfr*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjwoJa2BhBPEiwA0l0ImA3CpiujMyKgx5DfHxPRCmgTsZRgjBtTc8dwmgnZ0G9K925P88iqQhoC_XIQAvD_BwE  I must have turned it around without noticing when I have been positioning so it was easier to view through. I screwed it back down and tried it yesterday between clouds and got to a 8mm with at least 5/6mm infocus left. 

    Still want to find best thing for the spacers I have used tinfoil folded in half then flattened but I would like something to stick in place.

    Thank you for your reply's.

  5. Some people might know about the problem I had with cleaning the glass on this when it got stuck and a few chips came off.  Well I was advised to put tape over them or paint I went with tape. 

    Linton (Iguise) sent me a couple  of doublets one set was really good when I cleaned them, now the problem I could not use anything higher than a 18mm as I did not have enough in focus  Tried a 15mm no infocus at all so yesterday I put the original doublet back in  had to make two spacers which have moved when I tightened up the retaining ring I think.

    Just had it out now and  the same thing not enough in focus, can anyone advise what to do and any ideas for spacers I can stick in place please.


  6. 1 hour ago, Mr Spock said:

    Here's what the security light does. If I were the neighbours opposite I'd be complaining about it illuminating bedrooms like a searchlight.

    The light in my garden is from the living room light...


    I could live with that if it was the same. I have just sent the council another complaint so see what happens. 

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