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Status Updates posted by Rihard

  1. Naturally, skies get totally clear with good seeing only when I am sipping some nice wine with friends, away from my home and my telescope :) LOL

  2. about 1 year since Phobos-Grunt failure :(

  3. Need a new portable mount for grab & go wide field dSLR imaging and basic planetary! The 200P + Eq5 are just too big and gathering dust.

  4. Big fat raindrops! Now I don't regret I went out drinking instead of setting up the 200p outside :P

  5. Sky is good, with Jupiter high in the sky. But I think I had too many drinks tonight and I might be unable to handle my scope :S :( :(

  6. Yesterday I most likely failed the Math exam at the college :P And today I did a horrible job with programming in Java. & the skies are totally covered out there.

    1. Qualia


      I think our education system often gets it wrong. You see, from my perspective, it's okay to fail. If you're not failing, you're not pushing yourself, you're not growing.

    2. Rihard


      That is true ! :)

  7. Final assessments week at college! And then it will be ASTRO TIME :)

  8. Last night I dreamed that I was trying to keep Jupiter in the FOV of a high mag eyepiece but it would disappear quickly due to poor tracking! My first observing-dream :D

  9. Last night I dreamed I was imaging Jupiter :D :D :D

  10. eBay sucks: second hand things that are more expensive then brand new ones!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tingting44


      we need to start buying brand new and just sticking it on ebay and make an extra £200 for nothing lmao :( sell it as used looool

    3. Rihard


      LOL then we could use the extra cash for a more advanced model ;)

    4. crashtestdummy


      i avoid ebay for selling now due to silly selling fees and paypal fees but dont mind buying a thing or two but some people do want silly prices

  11. A warm welcome to Telrad, Vixen Eyepieces and Bahtinov :P

  12. Placed FLO order on Tue 03:30 PM. Received order in Ireland today at 10:30 AM!!! KUDOS !

  13. New FLO order: done!

  14. New Order: Telrad, Bahtinov, Vixen Eyepieces. Yay! Hopefully I will have ONE chance to use them in my lifetime :D

  15. Accuweather says it's good seeing but partly cloudy. Let's try out DSLR + Telescope after 6 months.

  16. Thumbs Up if you hate ASTROLOGY and when people confuse it with Astronomy!

    1. Qualia


      I often wonder that when the 'newer' planets were discovered (Uranus, Neptune et al) if this messed up astrological predictions forever.

    2. Rihard
  17. I believe time doesn't exist as such. It's just a helpful metre for our limited brain.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheNorthernMonkey


      If you can observe it and measure it, then it exists.

    3. sologuitarist61


      This would have been a good topic to post, you would bound to get many opposing views I'm sure.

      I agree with both the previous comments - time does exist but not necessarily to same for everyone.

    4. Rihard
  18. A wink at the moon :'(

  19. RIP Neil Armstrong!

  20. Weather Forecast for Cork - Ireland: Clouds, Clouds and more Clouds for the next 2 months.

    1. Qualia


      Here a massive heat wave! I'm running north towards the clouds this early morning...

  21. Apartment with Roof Top Garden, why not? :P


  23. +1 Point Grey Firefly Mono 0.3

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