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Mark at Beaufort

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Posts posted by Mark at Beaufort

  1. I use the Interstellarum Desk Edition but I place it in a large plastic box to protect it. When required at the telescope I place it on a large music stand - find the object then return it to the box. I have used this method for years and the star atlas is still okay.

  2. 32 minutes ago, tea_subtle said:

    Well it was clear from midnight above us in York last night and it was the first chance to have a proper look around with the 8inch dob. 
    Went outside, copy of turn left in hand with all intent and purpose to find somethings for us as beginners to view. 
    I never picked the book up again last night. Started at Orion Nebula and after viewing that just spent the next two hours just looking around in amazement at the night sky through the scope. 
    with 26mm eyepiece in all night I just kept staring  at the night sky. 
    I know and slightly regret I didn’t focus my energy in finding objects to view but I was just blown away by the amount of stars. 
    I found a cluster very near the horizon in a NNW direction  havent a clue what it was but I was just mesmerised by it all. 
    some would say wasted opportunity maybe but to be honest we loved every minute. 
    Next time will follow the book more and be even more amazed  


    Welcome to SGL and I am glad that you had a great first outing. Turn Left at Orion is a great book with so many objects to view. You may find this software useful especially tracking down objects - http://stellarium.org/

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  3. I enjoyed the read and I often looked at the adverts of Unitron scopes in the Sky and Telescope magazine. I remember wishing I had an 8.5 inch scope from Charles Frank in Glasgow - too expensive - date in the 1960s.

    I still fancy a small APO frac to take in the car but the moment I will settle with my Heritage 130P on an alt/az mount.

    • Like 2
  4. Its many years since I posted my eyepiece case. I recently bought a Nagler 3-6mm zoom so I thought the photo should be updated.

    From top left - 24mm ES68, 6mm Ethos, 17mm Celestron Ultima DUO, 20mm Myriad 100 degree

    Middle far left -9mm Fujiyama Ortho, 10mm Baader Ortho, 6mm Baader Ortho. Middle far right - collection of filters UHC, O-III and H.Beta all marked for easy finding and access

    Bottom left - Nagler 3-6mm zoom, 10mm Celestron Ultima DUO, 9mm Myriad 100 degree and 13mm Ethos.

    Eyepiece collection.jpg

    • Like 9
  5. 2 hours ago, StuartT said:

    So my Baader filter arrived and I tried it out just now. Problem is, I can only see a completely featurless disk with a 26mm Plossl (the sun almost filled the field of view).

    Am I supposed to be able to see anything more interesting than that? Do I need any filters at the eyepiece, maybe? To improve contrast or something?

    Stuart there is a new sunspot just coming onto the north eastern limb. Its forecast to be a relatively large one. I should start checking the sun over the next few days - if the weather allows.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 22 minutes ago, JulianO said:

    Happy to give some talks if you are still looking, I have a few - let me know.



    Hello Julian glad to see you offering talks. I chaired the meeting when you gave your zoom talk 'Cold Dark Matter' to Herefordshire Astro Society. Hopefully, Grant will pick up your offer.

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  7. I have just received my Nagler 3-6 zoom. I had one years ago but sold it on. During the past year I started using Ortho EPs again and enjoy using them but adding a Barlow caused inward focusing problems.

    So to get some extra mag I bought the nagler zoom.

    By the way I have been using baader extension rings on my ethos EPs for years without any difficulty.


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  8. I have used many quality star atlases over the years. The pocket sky and telescope is very good but I feel to go sky star hopping  with my 12inch dob you need to go deeper.

    The best atlas I have used is the interstellarum which I place on a music stand next to the scope. I should have added I use the desk version which once I have found the object I place the atlas in a large plastic box. I have had this atlas several years and it's still okay.

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