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Status Updates posted by pixelsaurus

  1. Got an iOptron SkyGuider Pro from Santa but ever since then, it has either been cloudy or downright raining. All I need now is a decent tripod and clear skies.

  2. It is supposed to be winter so why do I have chronic hayfever?  Perhaps it has something to do with the daffs being in flower and buds on the fig tree.

  3. Had the dob a year now. I have decided an EQ platform is a path to follow.

    1. ronin


      If the intention is to image I would suggest looking at a standard imaging rig of equitorial mount and possibly a small scope. You can only make a visual setup go so far to being an imaging setup. The money spent on an EQ platform could be used for, or towards, an EQ mount.

    2. Mike73


      I can completely recommend the platform that TS sells.

  4. Just brought in the rubbish bin. Milky Way prominent from Carina to past Scorpio. Galactic bulge and dark rifts easily visible. Guess I will have to go and drag out the dob. Hate that :-)

  5. First Light with the 300mm Dob last night. Saturn,M4,Omega Centauri,Eta Carina, Jewel Box, NGC 2516 and cloud.

  6. After a truly cracker summer, (NZ has just had it's worst drought in 30 years), I just ordered a 300mm dob. Rain patterns have returned to normal. Story of my life.

  7. Have I been banned or something? All the comment/reply boxes of every page I visit are inactive. This seems to be the only way I can comment.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Photosbykev


      I've checked your profile and nothing is showing up to say you are banned or muted


      Kev, SGL Mod

    3. rowan46


      I thought you'd been banned how did you get on here?:)

    4. pixelsaurus


      pms and status are the only places where I can input text. I find that odd, whatever the reason for it.

  8. Stepped outside for a bit just before midnight. Nice, clear sky with some high haze and scintillation. Grus was looking as good as ever. Jupiter was clearly the brightest object up, Pleiades looked good and Orion looked as magnificent as ever. The Milky Way was easily visible from Crux right past Orion. Eta Carina complex very bright and the Magellanic Clouds looked pretty good (thinks: neighbour must trim those pines). Sporadic meteors 3, Geminids zip. Must get out more often. Spent over an...

  9. Weather not looking all that promising for tomorrow's partial solar eclipse.Maybe I shouldn't have done the afocal Heath Robinson thing to attach the camera.

  10. No longer nebulous. I'm gonna be a star.

  11. Gearing up for the partial solar eclipse November 14.

  12. Astrocamp this weekend. A propitious event as it seems to have been scheduled between rain systems.

  13. Mag 7 quake about 100 km NW of here. She was a little ripper.

  14. Used to be vacuous, now I'm nebulous.

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