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Posts posted by saac

  1. 3 hours ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

    Yeh but it looks good on the YouTube vid. White light at night detracts from the whole visual at night thing. 
    It matters not a jot that they are not going to look through the scope. What matters is that to appear to be astronomers out in the darkness.

    I am not criticising anyone. It is just a prop that is used to make these vids digestible to the general public.

    Off to watch the new Astrobuscuit vid now, hoping to see a red torch in an AP challenge.


    Mmm maybe, maybe not.  I think there are an awful lot of folk like me where once the AP run is set and up rolling we turn our attention to visual, so red light is just as important. I honestly can't think of the last time I just set up for an AP session only, would seem to much like a wasted opportunity to me.


    • Like 2
  2. 56 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

    leaving the whole sandwich only partially masticated, perhaps semi-liquid, state?

    If that person is from Norfolk and "half-chewing" is a local custom then it may explain why everyone in Norfolk was jailed this week, for surely half chewing a bacon sandwich is a crime.  Oh wait,  apologies, I've cross threaded :) 


    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Paz said:

    On a similar note I think we are the last generation of natural moon observers. Once the first visible artificial establishments go up on the moon those of us who saw it before will become a silent memory soon enough.

    And tonight's target is the lunar Coca Cola advertising sign in Mare Imbrium, tomorrow night we will go after the golden arches of McDonalds south of Copernicus crater.  Give me strength, time to pull the black and yellow stripped handle. 


    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  4. Good episode, Maggie as always is such an authoritative commentator given her professional background, she exudes credibility. I enjoyed the interview with Professor Andy Lawrence (University of Edinburgh) on the issue of low earth orbit satellites and their conflict with astronomy. I thought his comments were balanced; didn't know that even Hubble suffers from satellites trails as well. 


    • Like 1
  5. We are one of the largest satellite providers in the world, I think largest in Europe. Work has been cleared for the Sutherland Space Hub which when operational will further strengthen our satellite design and manufacturing lead . For sure, just as we gave away our independent aviation industry from 1950s onward, we also stepped back from any lead we had in our British Space Programme (Black Arrow/Prospero) -  I suspect part political incompetence and also part of war reparations to USA via technology transfer.  Anyway, we are now back and in a growing position of strength, UK engineering at its best. 


    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, JeremyS said:

    Is that a bottle (largely necked) of Aberlour I spy?

    And any chance it’s my favourite A’bounadh? Cask strength. If so you are a man after my own heart Jim 🤔

    Jeremy, while I always practice moderation, I do believe anything other than a largely necked bottle of Aberlour is surely a crime against humanity :)  On this occasion though it is a mere (still delightful) 12 year old double cask variant and not the distinguished A'bunadh (ah memories).  Tucked in behind the Aberlour however are two other cask strength 10 year olds; Mannochmore (Speyside) and a Blair Athol (Highland) from the Manager's Dram collection. The Blair Athol is in a state of "crime against humanity" but that will be remedied shortly. :)    Yep Aberlour is a nice whisky, one of my favourites. 


    Speyside and Highland .jpg

    • Like 9
  7. On 16/04/2023 at 20:30, Moonshed said:

    It often surprises me the odd things that still remain in my fading memory. I recall reading Michio Kaku’s brilliant book “Hyperspace” printed in 1995. It was Chapter 5 titled “Quantum Heresy” that he was discussing symmetry in physics and he referred to the poet William Blake and his marvellous poem “Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright” and quoted:

    Tyger! Tyger! burning bright 

    in the forests of the night

    What immortal hand or eye

    Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

    That, to me, sums up Quantum Theory perfectly. 

    All theories have their day before some new upstart theory comes along and knocks them off their pedestal. Just think how much Black Hole theory has changed in just a few decades, and is still changing.

    Theories are a useful tool to help aid our understanding but to believe they are they are the reality of whatever it is they describe is betting against the odds.

    Perhaps one day some clever theoretical physicist will come up with a theory that unites Relativity with Quantum Theory and for a while he or she will bask in the glory until eventually that theory too will be overturned.

    Will we ever reach the ultimate theory that cannot be overturned? I doubt it, for then we would know everything there is to know about the universe in which we live, and with that knowledge we would be as gods, and I cannot see the messed up human race ever reaching that pinnacle. Maybe instead it will be reached by AI?

    I think within the scientific community it is pretty well understood that a theory is " a best and incomplete " interpretation  of nature.  If there is any misinterpretation that a theory somehow represents an immutable description of nature then that is surely only held outwith the scientific community and is certainly ill-informed.   Re the theory of everything - I've long held the belief that if the universe is fully "knowable " then the human brain will have the capacity to know it fully. It's the incremental nature of science that allows us to climb what appears as the inaccessible summit.  I guess the trick is, can we survive long enough to complete the assent?


  8. Sort of astro related in that I can now digitise my CD and record collection and listen to it on demand while observing :)  I've been hankering after one of the Brennan units for a while. Went for the B3, it comes with a 2 terra bite disk and rips through the CDs in anything from 2-3 minutes. So far so good; impressed with what it does and how it integrates with my existing amp.



    Brennan B3.jpg

    • Like 4
  9. 3 hours ago, Mike Q said:

    So did you ever design and build a cart for your scope?  If you did i would sure love to see it 

    Not yet Mike but it is a project that I need to get around to in the next year. The Dob is a school telescope and at the moment whenever we travel to our remote site it takes a bit of heavy lifting. I'm working up a plan of approach to involve our metal shop department to get involved; they have welding skills :)

    How has yours been shaking down, have you given it much use and is the design holding up?


  10. 11 minutes ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

    I am going to reply but might have to add a countdown clock to moderator intervention.

    Firstly I am not making any political statements, just statements of fact as I know them. Secondly I will not endorse or side with views of any political party or person.

    The fact that I am denied a vote anywhere is a matter of circumstance and a consequence of events outside my control.

    I would love to add my name to this petition but don’t think I legally could.


    If you are a British citizen then you can sign it, you do not need to be resident nor do you need to be a franchised voter. 


  11. As Alan said above it shouldn't really make any difference. There is quite a bit written about need for a linear supply vice a switch mode supply, but I think much is in the category of unfounded astro urban legend - a variant of the need for a cubic metre concrete pier foundation! I've been using a standard bench (Maplin) power supply for a number of years now and, save just a simple fault with the supply itself,It has never given any issue driving the mount.  Personally I would try your bench supply first and then if your not happy go ahead and get the Nevada, but you may save yourself the cost. 


    • Like 2
  12. I must admit I've never had any problem with any of my Sky Watcher kit.  I have, in acquired order, an Equinox 80ED Pro, an AZGTNEQ6 mount, an AZGTi holding my WO RedCat and a recently acquired Esprit 120 ED Pro.  I haven't really put the AZGTi through its paces yet but the NEQ 6 just works perfectly.   I'm itching to get the Esprit 120 on the mount and catching light, err roll on winter :) 


  13. Good to see you back again @barkis.  I used to connect to my AZEQ6 via laptop using an FTDI cable and controlled the mount through Stellarium or Cartes Du Ciel.  I swapped over to using an ASiAir a while back so my knowledge may be a bit rusty but I think as @M40 said above the drivers were basically all on the EQ Mod web site.  From what I remember you also needed EQMOD running in the background even when using the planetarium.  Do you still have the FTDI cable to connect your laptop to the mount?

    FTDI Cable


  14. 32 minutes ago, FrenchyArnaud said:

    I don't know... I am famous now....  Maybe I should protect my brand 🤭🤭🤭

    Yes definitely, that was brilliant I really enjoyed that , well done. Make sure you get a recording of that for posterity :) 


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