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Blog Comments posted by saac

  1. On 25/09/2021 at 07:24, Merlin66 said:

    Very neat and tidy!


    The angle is approx 3.15 deg for a 100 l/mm grating.

    The formula:

    sin B = n*N*L

    where B is the deviation angle, n, the number of lines (l/mm) N is the order of the spectra (usually one) and L the wavelength.

    for a 100 l/mm grating, 1st order at 550nm (green)

    sin B = 1*100*550*10^-6

    B = 3.15 deg.



    Thanks Ken, I recognise it now (n lambda = d sin theta) where d = grating gap .   So I take it we use green as a mid band for the wavelength  to set the angle - that all makes sense thanks.


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  2. That's very clever Gina and with your guide above it looks like a fairly doable mod. I would never have had the inclination nor the knowledge to consider that but I'm printing your guide off as I can see it coming in handy in the future.   Those little 28BYJ steppers are quire inexpensive and this just makes them more flexible. Thanks for that.  


  3. That's what I was thinking Gina, it's the lateral loads that I thought would be the problem in maintaining the precision in the location of the printer head - but he must have found a way to make it work to a satisfactory level at least.  I wonder, could an oversized heated bed be more easily made from something akin to a large radiator?  Easy enough to make a large surface area radiator, but maybe the temperature would not get high enough - just a thought.  In any respect he has a fascinating design for sure.


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