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Posts posted by jgs001

  1. VNC works whether you have a connection to the internet or not, as it's point to point between the two devices (as long as they are on the same network, which can be isolated). If you're using your phone as a mobile wifi hotspot, then your laptop is connecting to the internet through your phones data connection. Yes, you can do teamviewer, but you're no better off than using the normal house network.

  2. That's exactly it almcl... The groups allow for stacking sets from different nights with appropriate calibration frames for each night. However, the first group (main) is used for all other groups, so if you have something in there that is for one specific night, you should remove it and put those into their own group. if you have something like a master bias frame (for example) that doesn't change, you could put that in the main group, then it will be applied to all other groups. If not, add one image file to main, to open group 1, then remove it from main.

  3. If I may, I'd like to thoroughly recommend this book. I don't read biographies normally... just not my thing. This one is, IMHO, well thought out, well written and very engaging. My eldest brought it for my birthday earlier in the year, and I really enjoyed it. I don't want to say too much as it may spoil things, but it's about the year Scott Kelly was aboard the ISS and his journey to get there.

  4. Steve, you will need to stack the AVI's into a single image before using iMerge or MS ICE to complete the picture. I used to use registax, but changed to AVIStacks as it was so much faster and easier to use.

  5. I've used various services, and most of the time they are pretty good. If you can though, it's worthwhile getting the printer preview proof settings for your editing application, and then you can 'view' the image on screen as it's expected to print. I found a couple showed as being much darker than expected.

  6. Enjoy the Nifty, it's a craking little lens, I found f/4 was needed to get a reasonably good result. I'd suggest looking at a macro lens (make sure it's a true macro, and not a macro labelled zoom) for Astro, given the price of the Samyang. Macro lenses are designed to be optically flat and, thus can be used wide open without issue... I have a used Sigma 150, and it's a belter. The canon 100mm macro can be had for £120 for example

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  7. If you have at least 12 subs, statistical stacking should remove them, it worked great for airplane trails for me.. however, that's still a huge number of satellites, and without some way to 'bring down' the dead ones is going to make the orbits very cluttered.

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  8. I'm gonna guess that the camera sensor was not totally parallel to the wall, as you have a little more barrel distortion on the right hand corners than the left. The focus, to my eye, does look a little softer to the right of the image, that might be due to the distortion effects, but...


    For focussing, if you have an android device (tablets work really well) with a USB OTG port... connect your camera and use "DSLR controller". This allows you to use the liveview and really zoom in on a much larger screen. You can't use all it's features with the Samyang, as it's fully manual focus, but the app will allow you to remotely control the focus of the lens directly at varying speeds, and works really well. You may need to look into back button focusing to decouple the focus activation from the shutter button if you want to give this a go.

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