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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. My photo ,(above) obscures what I think is Nina's average error? So my error is 0.35 arc seconds?
  2. just doing some darks and biased and i'd thought id ask my main imaging focus is a bit soft i think, but rosette nebula is too low now after maybe 90 mins. wondering if anyone can have a quick look notice any obvious auto guiding problems. it seemed to go well. i can't change the scale from pixels in phd2 its greyed out. 60 sec subs not really any wind decent ag focus, dither 7 pixels (used online calculater thing) every 3 frames next up smiley face for as long as i can stay awake
  3. I stretch an old white t-shirt over few shield and but that up to an old pixel c tablet. Seems to work well in Nina's flat wizard, especially when I lowered the brightest when Nina told me off. Is your panel really diffuse enough? It suggest edge lit LEDs from only one edge or a big difference between them. Defusing that light more might help reduce that gradient.
  4. I'm a noob, so please take what I say very lightly, at least until pros have replied, but, while darks should be taken at same temperature as lights, take 5 or 10 now and use them to restack your lights what harm can it do? I reckon hot pixels will be there whatever the temp so recent darks might fix/reduce the problem.
  5. If you're anything like me, a good eaf would be great, but it's a question priorities: what gets me the biggest improvement for the least cash
  6. Hopefully this might replace the 17 weathers I concurrently use Henry ford was an anti Semite, union buster and nazi supporter
  7. Anyone who has a goto mount, all I can say is get Nina and use it's 3 point polar alignment. All I do now is throw my tripod on the ground, vaguely pointing north and use Nina. I don't even take the caps off my polar scope. If I can do it after like an hour of practice, anyone can The bolt for alt adjustment has a bit of a dead zone, but I can get it under 10 atc seconds reliably in like 10 mins.
  8. I got the one from flo website for £16. Look at the pic I linked, everything in my view had its own diffraction pattern even very faint stars
  9. This is scientifically a better image. Because smilie face
  10. I wasn't brave enough to risk April showers and went to bed
  11. Smilie face is my plan for tonight on a evlox 72ed possibly auto guided and unmodded dslr. I'm not good enough to attempt mosaics yet though Can post my results if you think it could be any use to you?
  12. i have a wishlist and a fallback. m51 (and maybe now i know it exists) markarian's chain are my fall backs as they're high up and seem always in view. I will definitely focus one object for as many hours in one evening as i can, once im dialed in
  13. i was very worried id need something really bright like jupiter for it to work. Even the dim stars nowhere near center of my view had them just ordered one for my guide scope.
  14. I like spiral galaxies and i'd like them to fill my fov more Hopefully i can get a imx185 based cam in the not too distant future and this looks like it will help fill that fov with the smaller ones i will have another go trying to pull it, but, if i can unscrew that front element holder with the lens cover, i'm guessing it will need more force than im prepared to risk
  15. mine only unscrews with the black plastic looking part on the left inside the white part to the right so that the white part on the right contains the front element when detached. i could maybe try clamping the left hand bit and then sliding (?) the hood off, but shouldn't need that much force and i don't have a clamp. I'll mention it to FLO on monday see what they think. Id be surprised if im the first to have this happen. front element needs a clean too At least i put the screw back in its correct place lol
  16. Some confusion sorry. I imaged m51 and seperately bodes/cigar but I also posted my previous best of m51 showing 2 hours versus 13 mins with my new scope. I like m51. It's always visible (it seems) so it's a good target for testing. Plus, it's destroying it's neighbour. How could anyone not like that? Apart from that neighbour and live for a billion years. Must remember to tell my actual neighbour that unnecessary nighttime garden lighting leads to galactic destruction. So turn them off
  17. I'm reluctant to try too much force. I could see the crap in my lights, but the magic of flats got rid in post still had to clean it after though. I even used Nina flat wizard and it's incredible
  18. Wow. I'd love to get even close to your images, but I at least feel I now have the gear to try. Andromeda, the best of the galaxies is too low for me now. Not many other big DSO about that I know of. But there are a lot of dsos I have never even heard of, so I'll keep looking. And yeah wind. I'm fairly sure that's why phd2 was bonging away. Might be another hour or two this evening can try guiding again. I swear if I move on the patio I'm on, which is pretty solid, the graph would jump up past +4 pixels, which looked bad. If I changed the scale it looked less dramatic I just have little context for stuff like that I notice.
  19. Maybe I got very lucky, but, for anyone struggling with manually focusing anything, like me as a noob, I would highly recommend a bahtinov mask. Any Nobel prize committee members reading this, please consider putting Mr/Dr Bahtinov up for a suitable prize I just dangled the mask from two plastic screws on end of the dew shield and was expecting to barely see the pattern also, anyone struggling in Nina to choose a star to slew to focus on, click the manual focus icon (rotated star) and choose one from the list Nina slew right to it and didn't even plate solve. Not sure how that works but not complaining:)
  20. Pretty sures it's bodes my camera is rotated as it tracks? Rotate your red image all my three blurry galaxies line up?
  21. I'm guessing mine is rusted so both parts unscrew rather than just the lens hood. Will have another go in a while with this pic as reference. Also, Ty so much for this and your other replies, you have no idea how much I appreciate it all.
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