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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. Ty very kind of you to say Sw 72ed, sw gti unmodded 600d and zwo f4 120mm and 120mm guide cam
  2. Galaxy season sucks with my gear, but I managed almost 2 hours on m106, the galaxy with no name a week or two ago and I quite like it I can see some detail in the tiny galaxies around it. As it has no name and I've imaged it, I'm pretty sure that means legally I get to name it. I haafter much thought, I've decided on naming it The galaxy formally known as the galaxy with no name.
  3. I'm amazed the fiesta ever existed in the USA. Vaguely similar, but smaller than a VW rabbit if you remember them? I've never owned a fiesta, just Ferraris I friend at uni early 90s had one and it was s£&f. Even so it carried a remarkable amount of duty free from across the channel
  4. Yeah I like his videos. Not very flash but very very helpful. Thing is, I agree I'm far from ready for it, but I'm probably even further than I think I am Maybe I can get some stuff second hand, but if not I'm looking at at least £5k, probably nearer £10k. I won't be buying a Ferrari until I can at least change gears in my fiesta a bit better first
  5. I didn't realise that, I obviously need more reading up on this ty
  6. I can't see me getting a Rasa 8, when I can get a similar result from a edge hd and hyper star. Never say never though and will have a look through your link now,very
  7. Yeah I can imagine if I did ever get it spot on I'd probably buy a second one rather than even breathe near the first one. I'm sure I'd ask more detailed advice if/when that time approaches. Need more money and way more skills before that point.
  8. It definitely has a very different vibe to sgl. I don't mind trawling, but there is definitely a lot to trawl through
  9. Ty reading it now. Want to make sure I don't make stuff worse holy moly that's a lot of info. I think adjusting this goes on my list but below trying longer exposures/higher or lower gain and couple other bits.
  10. Thanks both. Putting hyperstar on a edge hd gives me Rasa like speed and focal length though, so in theory I could switch between full focal length for galaxies, x 0.7 that with a reducer and then like f2 with 500mm ish with a hyperstar? I'm certain it won't be that simple as I've heard reference to mirror flop and other difficulties, but I'll look into those. Also cost but I'm ignoring that for now
  11. Looking for reasons why, at sometime in the far, far future, an Edge HD would be a terrible idea for astrophotography? Yes will need better mount and oag or maybe that weird looking zwo 2 cameras for the price of 3 camera thing. But it looks like a good flexible scope with maybe Rasa conversion for just £1000 more ?
  12. Only just seen this so apologies. I'm auto going with Nina, should be messing with this value?
  13. I'm a noob so bare that in mind. I'm ok at focusing but hfr in Nina seems higher during bad seeing. I realise that's nebulous and not much help, but I'm also interested in the answers to this There is a column on meteoblu website lists your seeing by the hour in arc seconds. However, while I'm noob I'm in the UK so that prediction might be as accurate as weather forecast are here ;( Mine will be just 1.6" at midnight tonight. Apparently. Can't wait
  14. One step at a time. We can wait until we have ftl and other magic, but that just leaves us exposed to multiple low to high risk events occuring in the meantime. Maybe I'm just too risk averse when the potential stake is so high. Also I'm far from convinced that a lack of the very basics such as clean water, food and education is due to spending too many of our resources on technology. Certainly from a historical perspective, that seems to be more due to our/the west simply not giving a s*&t about it. Oh and of course capitalism, I'm alright Joe etc. remember it wasn't that long ago the UK was forcing heroin on china down the barrel of a gun. This lack of interest in other nations seems to be mellowing a little over time, maybe as comntech has improved. Which at least is one positive trend.
  15. Looks fantastic and under 3 hours too. I actually like what I achieved in two hours with a dslr, but it's maybe 1% the quality of your result
  16. Earth is incredibly fragile. As far as we can tell, the only place in the entire universe where life exists. Asteroid impacts, nearby supernovas, jellystone exploding, nuclear wars and I'm sure there's more.
  17. I don't have a high opinion of musk for many reasons, I think he's a clown. The moon is just a stepping stone along the way. A potential source of fusion fuel, rocket fuel, cheap solar energy, that kind of thing
  18. I'm not convinced the two are mutually exclusive.
  19. Getting all our eggs out of our single very very fragile basket is surely the highest priority there could ever be though? Moonbase etc would be a start on that.
  20. obviously, im not desperate to image m31 as it should fill my fov, but looking on telescopius (which is a fantastic website) i noticed this weird blip/drop in its altitude plot over 12 months. is this a bst thing or will the earth suddently spin on its axis fast enough to throw us all into space? im pretty sure its the latter, but not 100% certain see yellow arrow
  21. Still far nicer than my over stretched attempt
  22. This doesn't sound fit for purpose or of merchantable quality from here. At some point I'd like a imx585 based camera and I'll be avoiding zwo I think.
  23. Wow. I loved the earlier versions, but this is better again.
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