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Everything posted by TiffsAndAstro

  1. Omg I like that. Only problems might be velcroing my usb hub to it and being sure the base of my guide scope fits. Flo told me I need M4 bolts but maybe with low heads incase zwo 120mm/f4 guidescope base might catch on them. I think I'm going to buy stuff and see what happens, which I'm not keen on
  2. Really appreciate this but it looks a bit clunky. I was hoping to screw the dovetail to the OTA rings then screw something like https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303335188489 To the dovetail. Then I can just slide my guidescope and camera in? Countersunk screw heads and thin bolts needed of the correct size might be an issue though?
  3. So I want my guidescope on a dovetail on top of my imaging scope. I should be able to use the too short for balancing bright green one I got with my scope but will need two screws that will drop through it and into each hole on top of each OTA ring. Then I'd just need to attach a finder scope clamp (?) to that green dovetail preferably via two more screws. I can then velcro my usb hub on the same green dovetail behind the guide cam. Hopefully. I could potentially reuse the finder scope clamp I'm currently using but I'm not keen to unscrew it. The holes left would let in light? I'd need to reuse those screws unless I can identify them and buy extras. Does this sound doable? I asked Flo and their advice was to spend more than my telescope cost on an adapter lol https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adm-guider-mounting/adm-mini-max-guider-guidescope-saddle.html
  4. ok last upload i promise* this should have better stars (though a bit artificial) and the dust mote isn't as eye-catching. this version looks better zoomed in, but i think the original might look better zoomed out. i think i'll leave this image alone for a little while and come back to it with fresher eyes. * not really a promise
  5. i had a quick look at binning my stack and couldn't see any obvious difference. i did use it on the 45 mins i took on m57 though and did notice a difference. its still not nice to process - star net keeps the ring nebula itself in the starmask, so i might as well just no bother. it was only a test anyway so no sweat. ill put it below as its ok for what is it. as for my ngc7000 i took the starless and starmask used for the above but this time i put the starless through graxpert. removed a small odd looking bit of gradient (though this could be information rather than noise/gradient) and a denoise. i can't recommend graxpert highly enough btw. i recombined both parts and cropped out the left hand side nasty stars. i think it has reduced alot of the noise/effect you demonstrated, above. next i will start it from scratch and bin my stacked file before doing anything else. will also try clone tool in gimp to do something with that obvious dust mote, though as little as i can, just so the eye isn't instantly drawn to it. also a quick test with siril's star resynthesis seems to completely fix those crappy stars so im also giving that a go too
  6. i bought the power supply 'bought by others' from flo with my mount. its medical grade (?) but my only criticism of it is the connector to the mount is straight and not right angled. its worked a treat. it was about £40 quid though.
  7. I'm a noob but have the sw gti tripod and pier/extension since February. Using the pier instead of extending the legs of the tripod keeps it low whilst making sure my dslr doesn't hit the tripod legs. It also looks pro I'd highly advise searching YouTube for every sw GTi video. I'd also suggest doing same for how to polar align, especially if you've never done it before. If only to understand the basics of it. Also Nina control software is incredibly amazing even for a total noob as I was and still am. I haven't looked through the polar alignment scope since about march
  8. Previous owner made a hole for a pier in the decking. Also, Napalm is your friend.
  9. This I need to try on my image for myself I think. I think gimp has the ability to do each of those processes so I can compare the results. I really appreciate your effort. I've seen a lot of your other forum posts and they are incredibly helpful.
  10. It's a strange coincidence one of my favourite YouTubers, sky story, just released a video on (not watched it all yet and, as usual it's rather above my pay grade) Gaussian blurring the entirety of the starless mask and selectively removing parts of that blur. To remove mud and noise. Yup, mud. He should probably just wipe his shoes more when returning inside.
  11. Can't hurt to try. I really don't like the idea of reducing resolution, as I associate that with losing detail. But I assume with plate scale (?) and such stuff it really doesn't. I should be thankful we live in a era when I can just sacrifice a little time and effort to experiment and practice this stuff. No film and processing costs involved
  12. Binning is something I've really not looked at, as it seems to me to just be reducing resolution. So many do bin though, there must be good reason. I'll try and have a play with it when I re process this image, thank you. I'm hoping the tilt is down to me tightening the focus tube lock screw thing too much. Maybe.
  13. I believe you but I'll have to research this. I've not done any blending and I think reason I avoided median filter is I didn't like it's results. I put this down to not understanding it.
  14. i think you put this very very well those images show it pretty clearly and i only find the first one acceptable. my image shows some of the third and fouth images i think, so going forwards ill try and minimise getting those effects. not sure how yet but i hope ill learn. i've not really used the median filter in siril yet, so i guess ill start there. im going to post process this image again from a point right after stacking. i'll probably end up with an almost completely different result as for adding more hours to this, im not sure. the composition isn't great, plus i want to crop out about the left hand third because the star shapes are not nice. also, after this result i think i can take some decent images of other Ha targets in the same sort of area of the sky, heart nebula, elephant's trunk etc.
  15. Are you talking about the blobbyness or paint stipple effect? Because that's what I was afraid of. I'm messing with some filters in gimp which reduces it a bit, I think.
  16. That's really nice. Can clearly see the teeth and jaw of the alien queens skull:) Is your 6d stock? 6d is full frame?
  17. Ty so much I feared this hobby could be a little humourless and very serious but with the weather here, I think humour is essential:( Camera is #1 priority. Imx585 was top of my list but could be a long way off.
  18. Yeah but often the buttons on the bottom row (apart from stop ) are unresponsive to mouse clicks. Next chance I get ill run through it again and if my results are decent won't touch them again. Except exposure time. That seems like it needs to be tweaked from 1 to 2 seconds when changing target. Cheers for the help.
  19. yeah im not quite up to that in gimp yet. but ill get there eventually. at the moment i just want to put lens flare on everything.
  20. no data should be clipped in the above. siril has a handy display of how much is going to be cliped in its ghs/istrograms and im usually very careful to not do that. i photometric colour calibrate after i send it through graxpert (tiny crop, gradient and noise) after stacking. my thinking at the moment with a stock dslr is to try and just show what's there. i have a t least one dust spot my flats couldn't handle and i could paint/clone it out, but i don't think that sort of thing helps experienced people like yourselves constructively criticise and help i still think sensor is a tad too close to the flattener and there is some tilt (?) on the left hand side. im hoping i can reduce that a bit next session by not using the focus lock screw thing quite so tightly.
  21. im actually borderline smug atm. i've been avoiding this area of the sky, elephants trunk nebula, ngc7000, pelican nebula as i assumed i'd get nothing from a stock dslr (and i've looked at a lot of people's stock dslr images on astrobin etc) but it seems (shockingly) i was completely wrong
  22. very kind of you to say. the mount isn't the az version its the eq mount version and i agree with you, im really happy with this, bordering on amazed with myself. hence why im double checking i haven't just over stretch it. tbh i think it could be stretched a little more which im playing with atm, but don't want to over do it
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