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Albir phil

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Posts posted by Albir phil

  1. 7 minutes ago, Elp said:

    Are you using a computer controller with your setup for the image acquisition?

    Thinking about getting a led flat panel, my set-up is run through asiar mini ,it just seems more complicated with a dedicated CMOS camera I'm use to a dslr

  2. 37 minutes ago, Greymouser said:

    Am I the only one to do this? I bet I am not. I have been looking at my astro gear, thinking that I have too much, it needs rationalising. ( :shocked: ) Looking back at the last few years, many things I have got have been impulse buys, with the best of intentions, but then see little use. Usually bought when life is getting difficult, partly for that buzz of the arrival of new great gear! I Partly blame the weather, ruining the few observing chances I get, forcing me to browse on astro suppliers websites! I wonder how long it will be until I run out the SeeStar? :grin:

    Yeah think I'm guilty of comfort buying although I do use most of what I buy.Problem knowing what I need rather than what I need 

    • Like 5
  3. 1 minute ago, Albir phil said:


    Hi welcome to sgl I have glasses 🤓 but I never wear them if I'm observing and have no problem,I have been into astronomy since I was about 11 heck that's along time ago,I remember the late Patrick Moore telling me you don't need glasses when you look throu a telescope so I never have.Good luck hope you get clear sky's 🌠

  4. 4 hours ago, Hellfire said:

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome, even if it does feel a bit king billy right now😂

    Yes inedible_hulk I did manage an hour or so on Tuesday evening, spent mainly Moon watching but had a look at Jupiter as well.

    dweller25 I did manage a quick look at Jupiter. Eyepieces I have are : Super 10 Long Eye Relief and Super 25 Wide LER plus a 2x Achro Barlow. These I think must have come with the original scope package. Also have a Revelation set, whether this came with it I can't remember. The set consists 6 filters, and  6, 9, 12, 15, 20 and 32mm Plossils.

    Being a spectacles wearer , I find looking through the larger lenses ok but it's difficult looking through the smaller ones. Any tips would be most welcome.





  5. 53 minutes ago, Wanderers said:

    The society have replied to apologise that the email was open to misinterpretation and to reassure me that they have rewritten it.

    So all is good in the end!

    Except that I might feel rather too embarrassed to actually attend now!

    Maybe but at least they will know not to mess with you🤣🤣






    • Haha 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Wanderers said:

    My local society told me that if I want to attend I get 3 meetings and then the committee decide on my suitability. 

    I'm 63 and well past that!

    Is that normal? If so it's easy to see how people get put off. 

    I would do the 3 meeting and then tell THEM they're not suitable 🤬

    • Haha 5
  7. On 13/02/2024 at 09:18, DirkSteele said:

    Sadly if you are thinking big dobsonians I think there is now a big gap in the uk market. Does anyone know if Beacon Hill Telescopes still operates? Think they did produce some larger stuff in the past.

    However, optical sets are easier to come by like Nichol Optical for example. I believe they may have been a supplier for David’s wonderful scopes.

    In refactor land, there are still a few options like Moonraker and IR Poyser.

    Yeah Beacon Hill still operates, Barry is semi retired but is son carries the business on.

  8. Great image witch head really stands out,might be just me seeing things but below witch head I see a profile with a long nose and a open mouth.But we seemed to be programmed to make a face out of shapes . Really like the amount of nebulosity you have captured 👍👍

  9. On 22/06/2023 at 00:44, NGC 1502 said:

    Ouch🙁.  Well ok then, I sort of get that and I certainly admit that digital photography is so much “better” in many ways.

    However, consider this, some folk like classic cars. It’s not because they’re more efficient, easier to drive, easier to get parts for, faster etc.  It’s because some of them are stunningly beautiful, fabulously engineered. It’s the same idea as traditional film photography equipment.  Just holding a Canon F1 35mm film camera complete with an FD lens, there’s simply nothing as satisfyingly fabulously beautiful.  In comparison a DSLR is a lump of uninspiring plastic, even if it’s more “efficient”.

    I’ve had my moan and feel so much better😊unfortunately my shoulder is very sore because a Canon F1 and a bunch of lenses is so flippin’ HEAVY😁

    I remember film photography at the time I was using Hasalblad 2.25 square.Now they were somthing else. Wish I could try the new digital Hasalblad on a dso, but will have to wait for a nice lotto win for that, but I can dream🤞

  10. 12 minutes ago, LondonNeil said:

    For storage I mean.  If you remove the finder scope to store your tube away in a neat box or whatever,  will the finder point in the same place when next put back on?

    It should be ok as long as you don't alter the adjustment screws and you are removing it as a compleat unit ie including bracket.it may be a Little out but not much,I have removed my finder with no real problem in the past

    • Like 1
  11. 17 hours ago, Chromium said:

    If you were to buy a William Optics Zenithstar, or possibly a Redcat, which would you buy and why? I'm looking at the range and curious to find out why they're all fairly close in price and size.

    The candidates are;
    WO v2-U RedCat 51 APO
    WO Zenithstar 61 II APO
    WO Zenithstar 73 III AP 
    WO Zenithstar 81 APO

    Ultimately I plan to build a rig using my recently purchased SWAGti, possibly with one of the above, a Guidescope and camera, all tied into a ZWO ASiair Plus 256G.

    I've very recently purchased an Askar FMA135 135 mm f/4.5 ED APO Astro graph and it's a great quality little scope but not had a chance to use it properly yet. 

    As a beginner, I very much appreciate any comments, criticism, suggestions etc. 

    Thanks, Steve

    I have the WO 81 GT triplet it is more expensive but gives great results,as already said in my opinion go for the standard version not the new one with the focuser half way along the tube, but that's only my opinion, good luck.

  12. 24 minutes ago, Bazz said:

    I just purchased the Seestar S50 the other day and have been watching loads of Youtube videos on it.

    This is my first time maybe having a go at imaging and I know the Seestar does a lot of the hard work for you but I have seen in just about every video that the image can be I'm proved on a PC using certain programs now to someone who is completely useless on computers it all seems very confusing to me. Is there any where I can get a step by step easy to follow tutorial on getting the pics from the Seestar to the PC and then improving the picture etc in very very easy to follow steps.😵‍💫

    Many thanks in advance.🙂

    Go to Trevor Jones, on Astrobackyard or The Lazy Geek ,both give good advice.🌠

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Budgie1 said:

    It should work okay, the larger ASI cameras have a built-in twin USB2 hub on the back and I use that for guide scope & focuser with an ASIAir Mini.

    It may be wise to use a powered hub, if you can find a 12v version, just to be on the safe side. ;)

    Okay thanks for advise,yes my zwo 533 has 2 USB outlets I could use them.I will look into a powered 12 volt USB hub thanks again 😃

  14. 3 hours ago, Meluhanz said:

    Hello Friends,

    Thank you, this forum has been very educative and patient with me.  I finally have a setup that can click decent pictures. 


    • SVBONY SV503 Telescope, 80ED F7 Telescope OTA with Focal Length 560mm
    • SVBONY SV193 Focal Reducer 2 Inch 0.8X Field Flattener
    • ZWO asi183mc-pro-color
    • Star Adventurer 2i Pro


    • Light - 50 images with 30 second exposure
    • Dark - 10 images with 30 second exposure



    Question : All I did with the image was stack the images with ASI deep sky staking software and did a few adjustments on the contract and brightness. Should I really explore photoshop softwares? Does it make a big difference?

    And please feel free to critic the image, i'm learning and all inputs are welcome!

    Thank you again for your time and patience!


    Most people only use DSS to stack then move subs to Photoshop as I do , it's very easy to use and lots of tutorial about.Try Trevor Jones on Astrobackyard👍

    • Like 1
  15. 57 minutes ago, AstroMuni said:

    I do have the ASI533 and you would probably need sub second exposures and 0 gain to take images in daylight. I would suggest trying with just the camera inside your house and point it at objects in the room and reduce exposure until you start seeing coloured shadows. You could try using the ASIcap app as it has an Auto exposure button.

    Thank a lot I will give it a try

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