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Dark Adaptation

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Everything posted by Dark Adaptation

  1. You would think that with all the work they put into it, they could at least have put the cameras in a good spot for photography. But then again, maybe they were just like "CAN WE PLEASE FINISH THIS!"
  2. Well, no, but this image is from now and we do have CGI. Doesn't it look weird to have blackness and then this illuminated metal surface? It looks almost like it was pasted on 😁
  3. Not CGI? That satellite looks a bit fake to me Also marbles wouldn't be that distorted. 😉 Except I actually looked up the real image and that one's flatter, so....
  4. Ooh, that's nice...does the Earth look a bit distorted to anyone else?
  5. Speaking of the Andromeda galaxy, I hope you don't mind if I ask about one of my pictures here. I am reasonably sure that it is the Andromeda galaxy, because when I zoom in I think I can almost see the clouds around the edges. But I would appreciate some conformation, and if not, some suggestions about what else it might be. I'm using a Maksutov-Cassegrain 750x60mm telescope and an Android phone (4 years old) with the standard camera app.
  6. Well, that's good then. Would hate to have a mission to the Moon and no pictures. (But I'm being silly--why wouldn't there be pictures?) Let's hope for some wonderful compositions.
  7. Think we'll get live footage as it goes around the moon and all that?
  8. Actually, @Carbon Brush, you've got a good point. Technology has advanced rather a lot, and our expectations by the same amount, like you said. Still, we can poke a little fun, right?
  9. There, see, I thought so. Some huge conspiracy theory! 😀😉
  10. True, true. Knowing that it will actually launch is a big plus 🤣
  11. Aggghhh I missed the launch live feed. Ah well. 😪😁 Looks like our big roman candle finally launched!
  12. Definitely M31 there, I recognize the pattern of stars to find it.
  13. I'm sure it can't only be me that's noticed that the biggest and crudest rocket has USA in big red letters on it 🤣🤣
  14. I like how they say they're scheduling the Next Attempt instead of The Rocket Will Launch at so and so time. It allows for room for such things like this to happen.
  15. It'll be one of the greatest inventions of 2023 too Meanwhile, in the background, SpaceX is working away on the 4th rocket in 2023 alone.... Remember that one rocket that they told to expect the instructions in the metric system, and some poor person sent them in imperial? The rocket wanted kilometers, and it got miles. Needless to say that mission didn't work. So some poor intern is going to use the wrong system, somehow, or the wrong measurements, and there will be an unexpected mission to the sun
  16. They've got a 120 minute window to launch. After 1:04 am, they've only got two hours. Seems like enough....
  17. It appears to be the correct star pattern for the Pleiades, if that's what you mean.
  18. It's almost as if it was never meant to launch. Now tropical storms. So perhaps I was wrong about it being scrubbed (fingers crossed ), but then of course storms had to come along and delay it to Nov 16. "We're sorry to disappoint you, but the launch has been delayed until November 18." "We're sorry to disappoint you, but the launch has been delayed until December 5." "We're sorry, but--" That crawler must be getting tired .
  19. I don't think any of the other instructions will work if you don't have an album. What I did was go to the gallery, and click the Add Images button. It'll ask you whether you want to submit to Member's Album or imaging challenges. Click on Member's Album, and you'll be prompted to either add to an existing album, or to make a new one. I made a new album (because I didn't have any albums before), added an image, (there'll be a massive Add Images button) and hey presto! Now if you go to your profile, there should be two buttons: one for activity and one for albums. To get to your pictures use the albums button. Hope that helped! Leo
  20. From the album: Moons

  21. Looks like NASA has set the date for November 14 12:07 am for launching, with a 69 minute window. That is, if it doesn't get scrubbed again. When will the rocket ever be clean enough to launch? 😜 Here's what'll really happen: The earliest they can roll the rocket out to the launch pad is Nov. 4. It'll be rolled out on Nov. 8 :). We'll all be in suspense on the night of Nov. 13, waiting for when the rocket will launch, our eyes glued to NASA live TV. At 12:00, we'll have a lovely view of the rocket. At 12:07, it'll be sadly announced that the rocket launch has been scrubbed because of another engine leak. They'll spend another month trying to figure out whether they can fix it on the launch pad, or will they have to roll it back to wherever they normally fix it? They'll eventually roll it back, and the cycle will begin again. All another day in the life of this thread and the Artemis moon mission. 😁😁
  22. I've been wondering what sort of things in the night sky I could see. I've seen Jupiter, Saturn, the Andromeda Galaxy, the Moon (of course), and I think the galaxy in Triangulum. I'm in the Northern hemisphere, and I use a Maksutov-Cassegrain 750x60mm telescope. Has anybody got any suggestions for things I could see with that?
  23. Thank you, I'll try that. (Why didn't I think of that before?? )
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