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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I thought I tried making this "number one" and it went to the shell, same as the other UEFI option but now I'm not so sure. A little later... Tried it with this option at the top with Windows second and it booted into Win10. The USB stick is indeed a Verbatim. It's the one I use to boot with Linux Mint or Ubuntu but doesn't boot on this box
  2. Found the way to access the setup screen - press Delete while powering up. However, the boot order options do not include booting from USB - just [Windows Boot Manager] which was what it was set to and two UEFI options both of which boot into a shell but whether that is of any use I don't know. Took a photo of the display which I've attached.
  3. Been looking at other mini PCs but this is by far the best value for what it contains even without an OS. I could send it back but what would I get in its place, that's the question. More and more the option of opening it up and installing another OS on the SSD is looking best.
  4. Integration of 75 OIII 60s subs of Heart and Soul turned out a bit disappointing but I guess it's not sufficient data for a decent result - the Ha used 200 and the OIII is much fainter. Still, the forecast is good for tonight so should be able to get more. Hopefully tonight will be better than last night which was plagued with bits of cloud.
  5. Thanks Dave Problem is how to replace the OS with anything else as it won't boot from anything other than the SSD straight into Win 10. Looks like I'll have to open the box (or send it back). Also, there is no option in the OS for upgrading to Pro.
  6. Downloaded data from last night onto Linux Mint desktop, went through the subs with Blink in PixInsight and discarded poor and duff frames leaving 75 OIII subs of 60s Heart and Soul at -30°C. Now running BPP in PI.
  7. It seems to be blocking all the web sites I want to download from Won't even let me onto the Firefox page! I know it already has 3 browsers installed - MS Edge, Opera and Chromium but I like Firefox and used to it. Had a thought... Maybe download software on my Win7 desktop and copy it across to the Beelink.
  8. I believe I have 14 days in which to request a refund if I don't like it for any reason but I would prefer not to do that as in most respects it seems good. It seems to have fan cooling of the processor which might eventually fail in a very damp atmosphere. If I opened it up I could change the cooling - warranty voided, of course. It's difficult to find a mini PC that is true 64bit.
  9. Avast is installed and it found and quarantined a piece of adware and I guess there's probably more. I have AVG on my main Win7 desktop and on the obsy laptop. This new box won't boot from USB and there's no sign of any way to change the boot order. I've tried various keys when cold booting but none of the usual ones do anything - it just boots straight into windoze Looks like I've bought a pup Three possibilities I guess :- Send it back to Amazon Open it up and put in a Linux SSD or install Linux on the current SSD on another machine. Go on struggling with Win10.
  10. A screen pops up with a "Start Repair" button which takes me to a browser and web page for buying the repair app.
  11. I think I might plug my Linux Mint USB stick into a USB port and install a dual boot system - if it will boot from USB.
  12. IF - I say if rather than when because I suspect this is the case, if I can get the software I want downloaded and installed on this Beelink box I'm wondering if I can set up two separate LAN systems - one connected to the internet via router and the other NOT connected. Or should I just Install Linux on the box instead of (or beside) Win 10?
  13. My hating of Win 10 has already started! Powered and booted up the system today and it already reports 108 problems with the system for which it want money paid for an application to fix them! Wherever I go with this I seem to have problems
  14. Yes, the devices I want to use with Gigabit LAN are rated at 1 Gigabit.
  15. I've had time to sleep on this and had some thoughts I'm thinking that EQMOD ASCOM is all about driving the mount. I don't think image capture is concerned with this but only the capture software and camera/EFW drivers. If so I can do without EQMOD ASCOM and use INDI server on a Raspberry Pi with KStars on Linux Mint desktop client indoors. I know plate solving needs access to the camera image and the mount but I'm not using plate solving currently anyway - with widefield the pointing accuracy is good enough to get the object in the frame with just a small amount of correction needed for good framing.
  16. Wrong! - the USB stick has the software but no key code - it is only for reinstalling the OS and then using original key to register and use. Oh well... I'll have another go with the currently installed Win 10 Home Premium tomorrow.
  17. The image is coming and going as patches of cloud pass by. I'll leave it running and see what I get.
  18. Clear(ish) sky tonight and I'm capturing OIII subs for Heart and Soul - 60s gain 50dB and -30°C histogram stretched in Photoshop.
  19. With all the problems of Win 10 and it's updates, I think I might install Win7. I can get Win7 Home Premium (same version as I'm running now on the laptop) on a USB stick for very little money.
  20. Lots of Microsoft stuff needed for ASCOM - .NET framework, c++ runtime both 64 and 32 bit versions which have to be installed separately first then there's EQASCOM, all the drivers for the equipment, SharpCap and APT plus goodness knows what else. In comparison installing INDI on Linux seems a breeze. One thing I will say - the Beeline mini PC is a nice little box
  21. Stuck at virtually square one Downloaded and installed TeamViewer but it refused to install ASCOM. Can't say I like the look of Windows 10 Didn't realise there was so much stuff to install to get a windoze system working. Think I'll install Linux on it! Seems simpler!
  22. Now I need to read up on what I need for EQMOD ASCOM etc.
  23. Connected Beelink mini PC to power (using supplied PSU) and to HDMI TV, keyboard and trackball. Went through the setup procedure, turning off a whole bunch of snooping features then added password in WiFi setup and it connected to router. At one point it rebooted. Next step will be to install the software I want to use and see if it works.
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