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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I'm beginning to think that my best bet is to take new batches of data rather than try to match up earlier stuff to their biases, darks and flats. I think I've got myself into a bit of a mess - I think I've probably attacked this from the wrong end. Should have processed data as I got it but I wasn't ready to do that and there was clear sky just waiting for image capturing.
  2. Now to see if I can find any Ha subs (or more OIII) I captured a while back...
  3. Rotated and cropped give this - not bad for just 24m total imaging tine for OIII IMO :-
  4. Just processed the Cygnus Loop OIII subs from last night - just 24 good ones. This is the result from BPP in PI and histogram stretched in Ps.
  5. Looks like I need a good rethink on how to capture OIII subs for the Heart and Soul. I shall leave it for now and concentrate on processing and maybe capturing more of the Cygnus area. The Cassiopeia area is still well in the NE when it gets dark and can be left for a while whereas the Cygnus area is fast losing total nightly imaging time due to it going below my observatory roof. I may not have this problem next year if I can get my second (mini) observatory built by then as I'm thinking of a mini dome type with views to the west down to tree level. The other thing I'm considering is raising my EQ8 mount on its threaded rods to give a better view. With this new camera the biggest scope I shall be using for DSO imaging will be the Esprit 80ED Pro which gives the optimal sampling for the pixel size - the MN190 would be greatly over sampled. This scope may be assigned to planetary imaging if I decide to try that again.
  6. The result is not good, even the stacked data is very weak and is probably showing the deficiencies of the BPP script - here is a super-stretched version.
  7. Copied the file to the HD and opened it from there and it worked - opened PI which then displayed the three images it contains Strange.
  8. After all that there seems to be something wrong with the resultant master light - PI says it isn't there but the file system says it is. Properties says it's 196.7 MB (196,677,632 bytes) same as the other masters.
  9. Imaging session abandoned for the night and little chance for the next few days. PI BPP finished registering with no rejects Now integrating (stacking).
  10. Sky has clouded over now OIII imaging of Cygnus Loop suspended due to no image!
  11. Took the best of tonight's Heart and Soul OIII subs plus the best of those from before totalling 385 altogether and now running BPP in PixInsight using the 500GB SSD (which gives 465GB actual useful space). Let's see now... 385 x 32 x 2 = 321GB - that's how much room PI wants to hold it's temporary files plus a bit more. So 500GB SSD is by no means overkill! I'm hoping that despite rather weak data, I shall get some reasonable results. 385 60s subs represents 6hrs 42m of data. Much more was actually collected - these are the reasonable frames.
  12. The Heart and Soul have disappeared behind cloud but it looks like the Cygnus Loop is in the clear so I think I'll go for that. I should already have some data for that but I don't know how good it is so it won't hurt to get some more.
  13. Now have the 500GB SSD partitioned, formatted and mounted and all set for use I also resized the 220GB partition to just over the space taken by the first OS (11.5GB) giving me 188.5GB space which I assigned to another partition, formatted and mounted as /data. I decided to leave that relatively small amount of space as the first OS as I didn't feel inclined to fiddle with the MBR and thought I might cause a problem if the secondary boot option didn't have a target. 11.5GB out of 1TB didn't seem too much to lose
  14. Clear sky tonight and I'm going for more OIII subs on the Heart & Soul. I'm hoping I can replace some of what I've already got with better ones.
  15. Opened up my Linux Mint desktop and added the second SSD of 500GB. Booted up to check everything is working with the current drives including Y cable for the SATA power and having taken the SSD carriage out of the box for adding the second SSD and disconnecting cables. All is well Now I'm having a little break before running the Mint USB stick and setting up the new SSD and recovering the 220GB partition that was used for the first Mint installation that is now obsolete. The newer installation has the /root and /boot on the 250GB SSD with /home on the 800GB HD partition. There is also a data partition of 99GB on the SSD as /ssdata. This is what I've been using for PI temporary files. The next arrangement will keep the /root and /boot on the 250GB SSD plus the /ssdata partition and have the whole 500GB 2nd SSD (except for a small extra bit as recommended for SSDs) as a nice big data partition, probably labelled /ssdata2. I may resize the OS partition (if this is possible) as I think I have allowed far more than necessary - currently about 150GB as I recall. I have pretty much all the software I want already installed now so I can see how much space I've used. What I'm not sure of ATM is whether I shall have to reinstall the software or whether I can just add the new SSD to the present setup and recover the 220GB HD partition.
  16. Checked where the Beeline mini PC box will go and there's plenty of space between the two circular plates on the pier.
  17. Went for it and ordered :- Seagate Expansion 2TB USB 3.0 Portable 2.5 inch External Hard Drive Seems good value and arriving tomorrow
  18. Thanks for your replies Indeed I could use an external USB3 drive - the mini PC box I shall be using has 3 USB 3 ports. That is certainly a possibility.
  19. As the nights lengthen, the volume of data is increasing and getting more and more tricky to handle - no! I'm not grumbling about getting too much imaging time but certain things have to change. Nor am I grumbling about this new camera! But I need to change the way I work and have to upgrade certain equipment to cater for it. During a full night's session which lasts up to 14 hours on a good night there are 840 minutes and with 60s subs that's 840 subs of 32MB or nearly 27GB. For the way I work, I have to be very careful as to what I keep - data terabytes can soon mount up! For the equipment - more data storage and processing space and faster data link from astro computer to processing computer. I found yesterday evening that the SSD I 'm using for my PixInsight processing filled up before all the data was processed and that was with 332 subs. I shall be adding a 500GB SSD to my data processing machine. The problem is that PI makes a couple of extra versions of the data and keeps them. viz. calibrated then registered. Not grumbling at PI either - excellent software
  20. I might motorise my roof later but it's very quick to open or close manually including the secure holding down clamps and fold down window. Manual is more reliable but remotely operated would be nice
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