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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. While having my cuppa I tried to log in to the laptop but no joy. The router is showing connection both with Ethernet and WiFi but neither will connect properly. Recognised with WiFi but sits there looking silly Not recognised with Ethernet. Probably needs a reboot or boot up the .... !!!
  2. Taking a break... Have cardboard box bit bigger than the laptop all round in scope room on floor. Block of polystyrene in the bottom then warming mat then laptop. Connected cables to laptop and also fixed imaging rig on mount. Now just need to find some insulation to cover the laptop with the screen partly open.
  3. Oh no - none at all Just wouldn't drive properly! Now have found and put the right gear on the lens and it's engaging with the motor pinion just fine So I guess the simplest thing will be just to leave this lens on and put the rig back on the mount. Weather forecast for tonight is clear according to the BBC and 100% cloud according to Clear Outside. Currently the sky is completely clear so I think there's a good chance of a clear sky tonight Nice warm sunshine outdoors so good time to get everything set up in the observatory for tonight. No rain in either forecast so I can leave the roof open. Think I'll see if I can improve the thermal insulation for the laptop and stop it getting too cold and playing up. It doesn't need the WiFi working as I have a CAT6 cable installed to the scope room so the laptop can go on the floor and be put in a cardboard box with thermal insulation. The warming mat can go in the bottom.
  4. Found the problem - put the wrong focus gear on the focus barrel - wrong size gear teeth - DOH!!
  5. I've brought my imaging rig indoors to work on. Won't be very fast progress though as I still have this cold and below par. Nice sunny day here and warm in the sunshine in my living room
  6. That's working Get this, which I think I got before on first connection.
  7. Checked devices connected and the RPi is not there so maybe there's something wrong with the micro SD card - I'll try the new Raspbian card...
  8. AHA!! This may be the problem. OTOH the version on the SD card should be earlier. Hmmm - I'll continue looking...
  9. No joy with that either. Must do some Googling and see if I'm missing something. Might try another SD card.
  10. Connected power to RPi from Raspberry PSU and tried SSH - no joy I guess I haven't got the WiFi properly enabled. Just thought - I'll try Ethernet
  11. May rethink what I want to image next depending on when I can get the imaging rig working. I'll be looking into things tomorrow I expect - depending on how I feel. I've looked out a Raspberry Pi 3 which has a 32GB micro SD card in it. Don't know what's on it but I'll connect it up and find out. I also have a 16GB card with Raspbian on it already. The RPi HAT I have is not suitable for two Pololu drivers on it due to where the holes are - unless I drill some more and wire direct to socket pins. I have an HDMI TV for monitor, keyboard and trackball I can connect to the Pi or maybe SSH into it. Probably try the latter first and save the effort of disconnecting the human interface bits from my Win7 desktop and moving to the table for the Pi. I use SSH for the ASC RPi so don't see why not.
  12. Unexpected clear sky tonight but I've got a cold and think it best to stay indoors Anyway, I went out this afternoon in the sunshine and tried to set up ready for tonight just in case but still having trouble with the remote focussing which I will have to sort out. Just going out in the relative warmth of the sun affected my cold so frustration reigns yet again!!!
  13. Correction - what Looked to me like the Eagle Nebula is actually the Seagull Nebula
  14. There's NII in the Rosette and in the Eagle by the look of it. First NII Ive seen in the Eagle only ever done Ha, OIII and SII before.
  15. Colour image with much fiddling in PixelMath Curves applied too.
  16. Now processing the other widefield area with 28mm lens. Rosette to Eagle Nebulae. Here's Ha3 and difference images.
  17. Full resolution image - Orion 28mm lens HON palette histogram stretched - all processing in PixInsight and saved in PNG format.
  18. One example... Screenshot from PI auto-stretch. Plus same image with curves applied.
  19. Worked through the Light Vortex tutorials for this and ready to apply PixelMath. Didn't bother with LinearFit - I'll correct in PixelMath.
  20. Registered OIII with Ha3, Ha5 and Ha5-3. So the three I'll use are Ha5-3, Ha3 and OIII or maybe Ha3 Ha5-3 OIII to RGB ie. mapping NII to green. Probably could do with a more complex PixelMath to avoid too much green. Any suggestion for the mapping very welcome
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