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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by Gina

  1. On 11/08/2020 at 07:24, wimvb said:

    As in your weather station thread, I believe that mqtt can handle this. A weather station and the roof controller are clients. A raspberry pi is the server (broker in mqtt language), which sends data received from one client (the weather station) to another (roof controller), or even several others (+ a display unit?).

    Definitely worth looking into, imo.

    Do you think this is the simplest way of controlling the roof?  I've also had mention of "web sockets".   Can a "broker" do more than just control traffic?  Like operate a display?  I find it interesting that the broker should be an RPi rather than the main desktop.  Agreed that this would mean the desktop wouldn't need to run for MQTT to operate.

  2. I may need to rethink the operation of the fold down east window.  I was going to use the rather Heath-Robinson rope and pulley system operating from the roof but I realise that the window often needs separate operation from the roof.  That has been particularly evident in this hot weather when I have wanted the roof closed but the window open.  I could really do with a window that I could open on the west end wall to allow a through airflow but that is a major piece of work!  OTOH we don't get this sort of weather very often.

    ATM the rope and pulley system can be reconnected quite easily at any time so I could resurrect that system for the winter.  It's only necessary to close the window if rain or snow is expected from the east.  With the prevailing SW wind the window can be left open if it rains so maybe I don't need to rethink the window operation after all.

  3. I think my web hosting supplies php and mysql but I have more to sort out before I get to that stage.  I shall probably look into MQTT in due course.  It's beginning to sound like a simpler solution 🤣

    • Like 1
  4. So far I've been using the ESP32 to read and send data to a browser but now I want for an ESP to receive data from the browser (or something else) and control the motor that will operate the observatory roof.  It will also want to read the state of the roof from the limit switches and motor current, which the motor control unit converts into a voltage, but I know how to do this.  What I don't know is how to send commands to the ESP.

  5. Unfortunately, this project has taken a step backwards.  There is a serious problem with the large chain pulley and its cover.  The cover has broken and the bearing arrangement for the pulley needs improving.  This has been causing the roof to jam so I have had to remove the chain and pulley.  This is not a problem at the moment since I've been opening and closing the roof manually anyway but before I can complete the project I shall need to print a new pulley cover and sort out the bearing.

    • Sad 1
  6. I currently have 4 optical sensors which have 3.1mm slots.  The test PLA sheet I used was 1.5mm thick and with the curvature of the inner ring the tolerances are pretty tight so I've ordered some with a 4.1mm slot (5 so I have a spare - I have no spare with my current set).

  7. 44 minutes ago, wimvb said:

    In your print design, you forgot the red section

    ... of your earlier colour chart.

    The red section is the same as the black section but turned 90°, so a sensor situated 90° round from the first on the same ridge will do the same as the red section but using the black section.  This "ruse" saves a section and makes for a more compact design.

    Having the 4 sensors spaced round the circle at positions N, W, S, E makes it more difficult to work out but again makes for a more compact design than having sensors in a line and spaced far enough apart to include the whole width rather than the width of the emitter casing.

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  8. I think I have this worked out now.  An interrupted beam produces a low level output and a logic 0.

    • S1 on the inner ring along the N line. 
    • S2 also on the inner ring along the W line. 
    • S3 on the middle ring along the S line. 
    • S4 on the outer ring along the E line.


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