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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Posts posted by Gina

  1. Started the process for building the broker on a Raspberry Pi 3B+.  Downloaded the latest Raspbian Lite and wrote the MicroSD card with Etcher.  Connected monitor (HDMI) KB and Trackball and logged in.  Then set up with sudo raspi-config - SSH and WiFi.  Logged in with SSH and it was alright until the password which it wouldn't accept and came up with an error.  Decided to check out raspi-config again and connected keyboard and monitor.  Nothing!!  RPi now seems dead!!  Red LED came on on power up but not green (activity).

  2. Firstly, I plan to collect information here and then alter code to suit my devices.

    Basically, the MQTT system consists of a number of clients and a server (called "Broker" in MQTT parlance).  The clients will include :-

    • ESP based units that will read things like temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure, outside and in my observatory
    • wind speed and direction
    • rain gauge
    • probably a cloud sensor
    • ESP32 that will control the ROR motor
  3. I have pretty much decided to go with MQTT for weather station and obsy roof control (and who knows what else).  I like the modular approach yet encompassing everything.  Seems RPi broker, several ESP32 and ESP6822 clients and client on my Linux Mint box producing graphs and charts.  Could add a wall display client too.

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  4. I have pretty much decided to go with MQTT for weather station and obsy roof control (and who knows what else).  I like the modular approach yet encompassing everything.  Seems RPi broker, several ESP32 and ESP8266 clients and client on my Linux Mint box producing graphs and charts.  Could add a wall display client too.

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