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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I dunno - I just don't seem to be able to get to grips with this software!! I know I'm not as young as I was but I can't really believe I'm going senile! Should I drop all this technical stuff and go back to knitting??
  2. The TimeStamp is wrong too. Capture info :- "2019-07-07T17:13:24 Capturing 0.468-second H_Alpha image..." File info :- /home/gina/AstroImages/Flat/H_Alpha/28mm 2x_Flat_OIII_0.011_secs_2019-07-07T15-47-45_050.fits It seems to be caching files and running a FIFO queue.
  3. Something very strange going on!!! Started taking Ha Flats again and they are going into the right folder but the filename says "OIII" viz. "/home/gina/AstroImages/Flat/H_Alpha/28mm 2x_Flat_OIII_0.011_secs_2019-07-07T15-47-45_050.fits" The exposure value is wrong too.
  4. Saving to disk has stopped again - this time at 18 subs. Downloading but not saving. Plenty of disk space.
  5. KStars seems to be set to "Always on Top", stopping me from doing other things. Every exposure brings KStars on top.
  6. Set up for taking Flats - 100 per filter. Using ADU for exposure. Camera is 12bit so range is 0-4095 so set ADU to 2047 with tolerance of 100. Strangely, it's stopped after capturing 50 subs. This software is being weird under my control!!
  7. Aha!! I have a feeling of déjà vu - I think I bought one of those a few years ago. Wonder if I can find it! Cheap enough to buy again if I can't
  8. Doesn't seem to be the problem. Set up for a 55mm prime lens and still don't get the FOV in the Index Files panel.
  9. A thought - my FOV with the 28mm FL lens and AS1600mm camera is 2172.3' x 1642.3' whereas the astrometry.net Index Files list shows the biggest as 1400' - 2000' ie. smaller than my image.
  10. I've added the details for the lens in the INDI Profile and set the Telescope to it. The camera number of pixels and pixel size are in the CCD section. But the "Current CCD FOV" for Index Files is still 0.00' x 0.00'.
  11. I think I probably did in the first run of KStars but maybe not after upgrading KStars.
  12. Yes indeed! I'll have to give it more thought now that I'm imaging again. Any recommendation for a rain detector? Anyone? Of course, I need to get the motor drive working first but a rain detector could sound an alarm.
  13. Trying again to post this!!!!! RAINING!! Saw it on CCTV. Jupiter still shining brightly. Dashed out to observatory, closed roof and switched dehumidifier on. Wet on the floor and a bit on the mount but not enough to worry about.
  14. Opened the roof so it's cooler in the observatory. Another time I'll have to set the temperature a bit higher than the coldest possible so that I've got some wiggle room for Bias & Dark frames or more Lights.
  15. Opened the roof so it's cooler in the observatory. Another time I'll have to set the temperature a bit higher than the coldest possible so that I've got some wiggle room for Bias & Dark frames or more Lights.
  16. That looks very useful One thing it doesn't find though is temperature. As I recall, the camera was running at -27°C. Darks and Bias frames should be at the same temperature as the Lights, I've read. It's warmer tonight and I'm only reaching -23.3°C. The roof is closed though and inside will be cooler if I open it.
  17. I did remember to set the sub type (Light, Dark, Flat, Bias) when capturing.
  18. One thing I neglected to do in the other night's imaging was to tick the boxes for Filter, Duration and TimeStamp though I did put them in different folders for each filters.
  19. Bound to be something I'm doing wrong. I have sussed out one thing - at the start those index files are actually unticked and rather than marking them for rejection I was doing the opposite - a red cross was a "yes" I want it rather than a "no" I don't want it. Furthermore, on very close inspection of those little shield icons, those files are actually marked as "Optional". That window is not for selecting standard index files at all. The authors of both KStars and PixInsight seem to use a different logic from me and also call things by different names. One example in PI is "integration" meaning "stacking".
  20. I've been slowly working my way through the book "Inside PixInsight". Applied Blink to reject some of my subs - not that there are many - about a dozen for each filter but I think what there are are pretty reasonable but we'll see when I've combined everything and produced a result. I think if I take my time, I can probably get through the basics. It seems ages since I used this software. At least I've got a few images to play with. In fact, there are a lot more images I could play with from two or three years ago but they are rather an unknown quantity - I can't remember now what I was doing with them. Maybe it'll become clearer as I get to grips with the software again.
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