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Everything posted by StevieDvd

  1. StevieDvd


    From the album: Attachments

    Result from alignment using PhotoPolarAlign by Themos.
  2. Thanks, I worked around the missing directory once I saw the cause. BTW, I also meant to mention that when using a mono camera the overlays are also being saved in mono. As a quick test I added .convert("RGB") to the image open (s) and got the overlays in colour. If that's a safe thing to do without checking the incoming file colours.
  3. Hi Themos, Sorry for not getting back quicker on the v1.03 error O enocuntered. I started ppa.py in Anaconda console as suggested and got this: The system cannot find the path specified. C:\Users\Steve\Anaconda>cd C:\Users\Steve\Documents\PhotoPolarAlign C:\Users\Steve\Documents\PhotoPolarAlign>ppa.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Steve\Documents\PhotoPolarAlign\PPA.py", line 1501, in <module> APP = PhotoPolarAlign(master=ROOT) File "C:\Users\Steve\Documents\PhotoPolarAlign\PPA.py", line 1495, in __init__ self.Sniff_AstroTortilla() File "C:\Users\Steve\Documents\PhotoPolarAlign\PPA.py", line 1305, in Sniff_AstroTortilla lfn = os.listdir(dir) WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'C:\\Users\\Steve\\AppData\\Local\\astrotortilla.sf.net\\AstroTortilla/*.*' Not having dabbled in Python before I can't see if there is a new config setting I'm missing to enable/disable local solving. I'm using Win 7 pro as OS and don't have Astrotortilla installed - but do have Astroart5 Hope that's a genuine bug I found for you and not me doing something stupid!
  4. As it looked as if I was going to get some clear sky for a few hours I was ready to use this in real-life mode. Seeing that you had done a couple of updates I downloaded v1.03. When I ran it a command window flashed/disappeared too quickly for me to get the message - though I think it may have been looking for astrotortilla. I then tried v1.02 as well and put my api key in as expected and it would not connect to astrometry.net. So I went back tot the original which did not connect either. It was all my fault as I had the api key stored in an email I sent from work to my home email which capitalised the first character, doh. After fixing that v1.02 worked but still no luck with v1.03. Does v1.03 need a config setting to be made for local solving? In the end I did get it setup and was getting the error down until the next capture I did had no visible stars - the clouds had come across and stopped me from finishing - but good practise and all seemed to be working as advertised so hope to get it finished on next cloud free night.
  5. Hi Themos, Have installed python and PPA and like Earl had the same issue with saving the api key. Though thanks to Earl breaking the ground first I moved it from the defaulted directory (C:\Program Files (x86)) to my user directory and it was then accepted OK. Loaded and solved the example images (h.jpg first then v.jpg) and finally the i.jpg and did the Find Polar Axis and then the Show Improvement. All worked as per your instructions. I presume we would only iterate through the improvement (i.jpg) image(s) as we adjust and get better aligned. Also, noted that the test images are shown as solved (in green) when re-doing the test after closing and restarting due to the saved wcs files. Would suggest a button for reset which deletes the wcs files in case people use the same names for each image - would make an interesting adjustment if they used the wrong ones I'd expect. My next task is deciding which camera to use if we get a clear night. So good work thus far. PS Earl your api key is visible if that is a concern PPS As a new purchaser of Astroart5 I too would be interested in using it for solving as well.
  6. if you can send some clear skies I'd like to have a go as I need to polar align my mount to the garden pier again. I'll be the idiot user - if I understand it then most will.
  7. StevieDvd


    From the album: Attachments

    The explore scientific eq5 pier.
  8. StevieDvd


    From the album: Attachments

    My humble pier with isolated platform, not the garden slopes badly.
  9. StevieDvd

    Broken lug

    From the album: Attachments

    The problem with cast adapters is they can break.
  10. StevieDvd

    pier idea2

    From the album: Attachments

    daft idea for a diy pier
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