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Rosette Nebula - NGC2237 HaRGB - 16 Feb 2022


The Rosette Nebula is a large spherical Hydrogen Alpha region located in the constellation Monoceros.
The cluster and nebula lie at a distance of some 5,000 light-years from Earth and is roughly 130 light years in diameter.

The open cluster NGC 2244 is closely associated with the nebulosity being the stars of the cluster which have been formed from the nebula's matter.

The complex has the following NGC designations:
NGC 2237 – Part of the nebulous region (Also used to denote whole nebula)
NGC 2238, NGC 2239 & NGC 2246 – Part of the nebulous region
NGC 2244 – The open cluster within the nebula

This images total exposure time was 7 hours and 40 minutes, consisting of 15 x 600 second 7nm narrowband H-Alpha subs for the luminance channel and 15 x 180 second red, 15 x 300 second green and 19 x 600 second blue subs for the color data... color data was exposed during a full moon.

Taken through a 80mm Refractor @ f6.25, on a hypertuned CGEM mount with QHY268M camera.


© Mariusz Goralski

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