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First Ever Telescope Viewing, and First Ever Blog!!



First Ever Telescope Viewing, and First Ever Blog!!

Hi to anyone who's interested, hope you're well!!

I ordered a Skywatcher Skyline 8" Dob about a month ago, it arrived a few days ago but until now it's been cloudy over light polluted London (esp. with the recyling plant running all night near me).

Wow! What a first few hours!!

First off I aimed my scope at the moon, almost half full, when I got worried... it seemed so bright I couldn't see any detail. I started fretting about not buying a polarising filter, but then I decided to stop being stupid, and FOCUSSED the EYEPIECE!!

Awesome view, the craters were brilliant, but I think what impressed me the most was that I could see the DARK SIDE of the moon! So I could see a full black/white egg, but anyone with just the naked eye could only see a Cheshire Cat's smile :)

Next, just a little hop away was (I'm almost totally sure) Jupiter. The main reason I bought my scope was to have a look at Jupiter. Loved it! It seemed pretty bright white, but I could definately see two bands across it (not sure of the colour), and pretty sure - 4 moons around it.

After this I tried to recognise a few constellations which was HARDER than I thought it would be. But pretty sure I NAILED: The Plough; Auriga; Gemini (partial); Perseus (partial) and Orion.

At this time I thought I should finish up with a casual look at my first ever nebula in Orion [M?? (I'll look it up later)] While I could make out the cloud shape, I could only see about 4 (maybe 6) stars in it.... for a 'Star Factory' I think it needs to start pumping out a few more babies!!!

Extra notes:

Time~ 6:30-8:30 Location~ My Back Garden, Chingford, London. Clear skies. Stuggled to make out more than 2 stars in Ursa Minor.

As it was my first time I will class the seeing as a 5/10 (average).

Handwriting is terrible, while cold, balancing a notepad on my knee, and holding a torch.

MUST wear thick socks, and long johns next time!!! FREEZING!!!

Thanks for reading about my first time!


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wow! i had my first proper outing too with my Travelscope and was well chuffed , suppose the advantage of using my little thing was i could have it perched happily on my garden table with a brew to keep my hands warm!

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sounds like a great night jupiter is also great and try in to pick out more details bands and its moons gloves hat are a good start and maybe a flask next time sounds like ya had a great first light


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Congratulations on a first successful night! The moon, Jupiter and a messier Object all in your first night! I remember the first planet I saw through the telescope, it was Venus. It has captured a special place in my heart since then.

I can't wait till you see Saturn,.. It made me cry as it was so beautiful! Don't mind me,.. I tend to be over-dramatic about such things.


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Good luck Gaza, tea is a great idea for next time!

Cheers Pat, can't wait to get another view of Jupiter... unfortunately it's clouds for the next few days!

Thanks Isabelle, really looking forward to spotting a few more planets.... I'll be sure to keep a pack of tissues with me incase I manage to spot Saturn :)

I'm suprised any tears didn't instantly freeze, given the weather in your location!!

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Hi Jordan

Good blog (not that I would know what a good blog is, but enjoyed reading it!) and congrats on your new scope. Yes, it does get cold out there doesn't it? I generally wear two layers of thermals and then 5 layers over the top of that. Can't move, but at least I'm not cold!

Give my regards to Chingford. Used to live there (Highams Park more specifically), but now in Reading. I'd rather be in Chingford! :)



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