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New camera


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Had my first full session with my new camera, including my first attempts using it with my scope. These are my first attempts at processing.

All are 10 x 30 seconds + darks, ISO 800. Camera is a Canon 1100D using either the kit 18-55mm F5.6 zoom or my Skywatcher 200P-EQ5.


Orion Nebula by porkyb, on Flickr


Mizar and Alcor by porkyb, on Flickr


Cassiopeia by porkyb, on Flickr


Orion by porkyb, on Flickr

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The bright orange glow in the corner of the Orion widefield pic is my neighbour's roof. These were taken under floodlight conditions in my street.


As for the rest, I don't know but I am hoping this is something I can learn how to process out.

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I had my first go at imaging last night as well...

Another 200P-EQ5. You know some people say that kit is no good for imaging. We know different :laugh:

I was surprised how orange the unprocessed images were and then I was equally surprised how easy it was to remove the orange glow using GIMP levels.

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The bright orange glow in the corner of the Orion widefield pic is my neighbour's roof. These were taken under floodlight conditions in my street.


As for the rest, I don't know but I am hoping this is something I can learn how to process out.

Holy sh_1_t mate you need a light pollution filter if ever I saw a need, well done achieving what you have so far - is all that street lighting just to identify the neighbourhood watch sign :eek::grin:
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